this rentry may not be suitable for screenreaders and is optimized for use with darkmode.
it has come to my attention that people are having trouble learning how to use rentry, so I made this to help people get started! questions, comments or concerns? send an ask @ file-001 on tumblr also see this.
basic . . .
when you open rentry, it should look like this:
as you can see, there are 3 tabs at the top. I will go into detail about these tabs below.
"Text" : this tab is for actually 'coding' the rentry. Anything you put here will affect the appearance of the final site!
"Preview" : gives you a sneak peek of what the site will look like to visitors.
"How" : shows you the basics of how to use a rentry, including text stylings (bolding, italics, strikethrough, etcetera) and headers.
under the main block at the bottom of the page there are a few things. These are very important!
"Go" : the button you press to create your rentry. If you do not press this, the rentry will not be created and any work you have will be lost.
"Custom Edit Code" : the password you will use to edit your rentry in the future. If you leave this blank, rentry will generate an edit code for you.
"Custom URL" : the url that your rentry will use (for example, this rentry's url is 'rentrytut').
Moon/Sun Symbol : used to switch the rentry from darkmode to lightmode and vice versa.
images & buttons . . .
adding an image.
You find the image above on the web as you're scrolling trying to find decorations for your rentry. "It matches my aesthetic perfectly!" you think, your eyes lighting up at the thought of using it alongside the other decorations you'd found. There's just one problem--you don't know how!
never fear, I can teach you :) so the 'formula' for an image is as follows:
![*image description*](*image address link*)
when you type that into the "text" tab and fill in your information, it should look something like this:
and in the "preview" tab it will appear as so.
*note: I suggest that you do not hotlink to (copy the image address directly from) carrd, tumblr, etcetera as resources may be taken down, causing your rentry to appear like this. Upload the images you use to a private server on discord to preserve them. Just make sure you don't delete that server or channel because that will also delete the images from your rentry. My resource page
adding a button.
although buttons may seem intimidating, they are not actually that complicated. The formula is this:
[![image description](image link)](link to destination)
if you look closely, everything is the same as when I added the image before--all I did was add brackets around the media link and a link to the destination of the button afterward. Here's a screenshot where I highlighted all of the added bits in case you still don't get it.
example (leads to my rentry):
which appears like so in the "text" tab: