now on


yall irk me more and more like worse than when i was getting harassed and exposed every other day ugh

  1. i do not like when new people come to my cc theres almost nothing interesting said and i dont like rehashing old conversation or explaining how things roll. just act right and dont be a bother if you cant grasp how i move or how we discuss and tweak here just hop off this isnt the place for you otherwise ur welcome ..maybe
  2. THIS IS A GOSSIP CC. The root premise here has always been rumors, tea, speculation, anecdotes etc. I get that because of how active i am obviously theres filler convo but dont try to police me on "spreading" stuff because why are u here? this is pretty much a small community of its own so our discussions stay here lol
  3. Not a rosin by any means dont get the expose threads on me twisted. Not an allin because i disagree with a point. I DO WHAT I WANTTTT AND YES IM A HYPOCRITE IDC and yes i dont care about either of them and i will show it i troll everyone equally if ur mad u can go
  4. unless its relevant dont send me random ppl on twitter with 5 likes for no reason i genuinely dgaf
  5. im ot9 in the sense that i care about the group i enjoy them and i only want good things for them but thats really it individually ill probably switch up and i dont even rlly like half of them ZONT GET ME TWISTED NOW ✌
  6. ive never been totally against akgaes/solos yes i find them annoying and stupid often but its not like i havent had active akgae anons for months and i quite like some. just dont be annoying or rain on my parade like if u funny ill fuck with u. like dont get me twisted and think i actually care or condemn akgaes i just hate allins/rosins
  7. and i by no means have ever claimed to be a good person so take that how you will lolllll like im a woke bigot mi no care. ill say whatever i want
  8. also IM A TROLL IVE ALWAYS BEEN A TROLL I WILL JOKE I WILL JEST AS I PLEASE like i have this reputation for a reason lol i lasted maybe 5 months on zerosetwt till shit went left and also im a little girl. oki thank u

AND LETS HAVE FUN YAYYYY (dont irk me im serious)

Pub: 03 May 2024 03:07 UTC
Edit: 27 Sep 2024 23:07 UTC
Views: 2307