enter image description here

Company name:


Company url, if any:


If you have a demo, what's the url? Demo can be anything that shows us how the product works. Usually that's a video or screen recording.


Describe what your company does in 50 characters or less.

Increase speed and reduce the cost of recycling

What is your company going to make? Please describe your product and what it does or will do.

  1. In the first phase, it is trying to create one WordPress
    advertisement site for waste buying and selling
    1. The second phase is to create one android application like Uber for
      waste management (like Fu_uber in this repo =
    2. In the third phase, it is trying to create one smart trash bin (here
      = with AI Music Composing capability by using the Google magenta project (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bXBliLjImio) like this
      google Colaboratory codes (https://short.gy/M6Rc0e).

More information could be seen at this medium post

Please tell us about the time you, soheil_sa, most successfully hacked some (non-computer) system to your advantage.

I am fan of Do-It-yourself project and I have used some YouTube video
to create some devices for myself like CNC machine by Printer Dc
motors and ...

Please tell us in one or two sentences about the most impressive thing other than this startup that you have built or achieved.

  • Less control over the process of buying and selling waste (similar to Uber Application)
  • Adding some New technologies like AI for musics, to take attention of the people to recycling.

Have you been to any YC events? If so, which ones?

Yes, the Satlineh startup Achieved the second rank in the
entrepreneurship event of the Labor Office and Hakim University in
March 2021, and ware in some others' startup show in my country
(around 3 times)

How long have each of you been working on this? How much of that has been full-time? Please explain.

I have worked on this startup for around 7 months and I guess I worked
in this project 2 hours every day on average (480 hours totally on

If you have already participated or committed to participate in an incubator, "accelerator" or "pre-accelerator" program, please tell us about it.

This startup Achieving the second rank in the entrepreneurship event
of the Labor Office and Hakim University in March 2021

Why did you pick this idea to work on? Do you have domain expertise in this area? How do you know people need what you're making?

The earth needs humans responsibility and by seeing the results of the
environmental conferences like the COP26 (2021 United Nations Climate
Change Conference), I guess this area needs one revolutionary action
and I have tried to use my power and skills in the environmental
project like this startup.

But it is strange which I am doing this project by low commitment form
humankind during these 7 months.

What's new about what you're making? What substitutes do people resort to because it doesn't exist yet (or they don't know about it)?

The problem of waste and trash needs using different technologies to
take attention of the peoples, some of them are like IT, AI and some
others exist in different field of science like psychology and when I
see the people with environmental responsibility I warn them about
some effect of this kind of non-responsibility actions.

Who are your competitors, and who might become competitors? Who do you fear most?

I guess the Software engineering and expertise in this field would be
candidate for the IT, and AI part of this project and the Psychology
expertise would be others coworkers candidate for upgrading the user's
psychology defense systems as one psychological recycling part of this

What do you understand about your business that other companies in it just don't get?

Using the Uber application system and adding new technologies, like AI
for Music making and blockchain (cryptocurrency and token), and
combining in it with other technologies as psychology or NGO or
Government systems could improve its growing.

How will you get users? If your idea is the type that faces a chicken-and-egg problem in the sense that it won't be attractive to users till it has a lot of users (e.g. a marketplace, a dating site, an ad network), how will you overcome that?

In summary, the main objectives of this plan are as follows:

  1. Increase the speed and reduce the cost of recycling
     2. Increase the motivation of cooperation and revenue generation for people applying to participate, in this platform
    1. Expand services and dynamics in restructuring the original design,  through the use of open-source business models (Open source) and
       Attract new collaborations Competitive Advantages:
  • Less control over the process of buying and selling waste (similar to the Android Uber project)
  • Receive a membership fee after three months (membership in the Premium model)
  • Increase members' capital and a sense of cooperation with customers, through in-app money based on Part of the company's shares

If you have not formed the company yet, describe the planned equity ownership breakdown among the founders, employees and any other proposed stockholders. If there are multiple founders, be sure to give the proposed equity ownership of each founder.

I prefer to give the ownership of the project to the ordinary users of
this project.

Please provide any other relevant information about the structure or formation of the company.

This project is done as open-source project by MIT license, which is
needs for fast improving and help to creating better version of it for
help to doing something for the earth and humans waste creating

Who writes code, or does other technical work on your product? Was any of it done by a non-founder? Please explain.

I am working on the codes lonely, and I have used the open-source
codes for making the site like (TerraClassic WordPress ads demo), and
I am trying to use the "Fu_uber open-source codes" for building the
android app, for AI part of this project also I have used some
Open-source codes like Google Magenta codes or Arduino Electronic
devices for Smart trash bin part of this project.
So I have past the projects codes on the GitHub and two language post
Virgool site in Persian and medium site in English language.

Who writes code, or does other technical work on your product? Was any of it done by a non-founder? Please explain.

I am working on the codes lonely, and I have used the open-source
codes for making the site like (TerraClassic WordPress ads demo), and
I am trying to use the "Fu_uber open-source codes" for building the
android app, for AI part of this project also I have used some
Open-source codes like Google Magenta codes or Arduino Electronic
devices for Smart trash bin part of this project.

If you had any other ideas you considered applying with, please list them. One may be something we've been waiting for. Often when we fund people it's to do something they list here and not in the main application.

Maybe the below question would give you some view point about the
others' idea: https://elasa2next.medium.com/ https://short.gy/kmNCQg
=> Question in earthscience.stackexchange site About finding online earth pollution taking available source (in relation with the cop26)

https://short.gy/FYq7aX => Question in stackoverflow site Trying to
Live and non-live coverage of environmental events re-streaming on

Please tell us something surprising or amusing that one of you has discovered.

The entire Earth Gaya System is under pressure and I guess the Gaya
intelligence system prefer Anti-killing plans (The emergence of birds
after the age of competition in camel cars called dinosaurs), and
there is huge amount of works and attempt needs to be done.

Also, suggest seeing the below animation which made by Lubomir Arsov,
and I guess you would surprised and better understand the humans kind
problems and see there are needs to do many things:

The In the shadow new odyssey =>

What convinced you to apply to Y Combinator? Did someone encourage you to apply?

I have been in one clubhouse room about the startups, and one Iranian
engineer said the name of Y Combinator, so I have tried it now.

Pub: 05 Nov 2021 23:09 UTC
Views: 173