
  • i make kys/kms jokes, if ur uncomfortable with kys jokes let me know i dont say them to people im not close with and people who dont like it
  • i block very freely, if youre blocked dont take it personally seriously
  • i dont usually tag words unless im asked to
  • my disorders Will affect the way we interact
  • if you need tone tags please dont b afraid to ask i dont use them that often
  • i use man/bro/dude/girl and other stuff a lot as gender neutral terms if you arent comfortable with that lmk
  • i am jokingly mean and tease my friends a lot if you dont like that or i take it too far please tell me
  • dont make "bugs under your skin" or "peel off your skin" jokes around me please thanks
  • i dont usually like 1 on 1 conversations with people unless we're close


Pub: 16 Oct 2023 15:41 UTC
Edit: 25 Jun 2024 23:32 UTC
Views: 965