Auto-update ReVanced Apps

Obtainium logo ReVanced logo

  1. Install Obtainium.
  2. Download this JSON configuration file and import it into Obtainium.

"How do I verify it's safe?" You can do Ctrl+F on the configuration file, search for http and check that all download URLs are pointing to the GitHub repositories or Those repositories patch the APKs automatically, following scripts that are open source, which means the process is publicly auditable. However, you will probably still see warnings from the ReVanced developers for YouTube APKs that you didn't patch yourself.

That's all. Obtainium will check when there is a new version of the ReVanced apps available.

Included patched apps:

  • YouTube
  • YouTube Music
  • Reddit
  • Twitter / X
  • Twitch
  • TikTok
  • microG
Pub: 07 Apr 2024 22:01 UTC
Edit: 19 Sep 2024 19:56 UTC
Views: 28706