Vladimir Putin: abridged[1]

What the President was doing on the Crimean bridge and in the Moscow Manege On December 5, Russian President Vladimir Putin unexpectedly arrived at the Crimean bridge, all while driving, and proceeded to spend some time there. A few hours later he could already be seen at the #MyVmeste award ceremony at the Manege in Moscow. Kommersant special correspondent Andrei Kolesnikov has more details.
Wind howled on the bridge

The Volunteer Award #MyVmeste at the Manege was presented for several hours. At some point the president was supposed to come on stage, everyone knew that, of course. But no one knew that he had just been on the Crimean bridge and that he had not yet reached Moscow.

And no one could then, of course, be convinced that there wasn't a double somewhere, either in the Crimea or in the Manege. Of course there was. He could not have flown back and forth so quickly. And there was no need for that. But where? Probably in the Crimea, right? There are not many people there, everything's in half... Yes, we decided: in the Crimea.

Meanwhile, in Crimea, a very presidential-like Vladimir Putin was getting into a car. The organizers' mistake was the Mercedes. Why was it a Mercedes at the most important moment? Because, maybe, they changed cars many times. And the motorcade stayed where it was supposed to. And then, does a double deserve an Aurus? It remains to be seen... So we had a look.

- In 55 days! - said Deputy Prime Minister Marat Khusnullin, who was waiting for Vladimir Putin (let's call this one that way for clarity. - A. K.) on the passenger seat, while the latter began to buckle up - no one did it in 55 days, I tell you for sure!

He was referring to the bridge spans fabricated in the shortest time possible.

- 1,200 tons to make and bring... They built a whole chain of escorts from the traffic police... To be honest, when I told them that we would be ready on December 20, I did not believe it myself...

- What will it be, - the president nodded, already strapped in behind the steering wheel.

- Three floating cranes, four barges... - enumerated Marat Khusnullin.

I think i heard that one somewhere. Ah, well, yes, it is clear, of course, where. "Two tape recorders. Leather jackets - three."[2]

But at least here everything was real.

Up until now, Vladimir Putin had not buckled up on this bridge, and apparently this was considered a mistake, and they recommended a correction. And if it was a double, it is all the more understandable: he did not even wonder whether to buckle up.

- Where were the repairs going? - the president asked.

He didn't add: "Commander".

- The repair works were going on 9 kilometers away from here, - the passenger seemed to be generously telling us - three manufacturing plants... Thanks to the fact that we now have a deployed program of construction (not thanks to "that", but thanks to this: after all it was deployed, as everyone knows, by Marat Khusnullin, who was now sitting on the right. And the president had to learn about it, too. - A.K.)

- We had to involve divers... - said the deputy prime minister.

- Is this the right side?

- Yes, the right side.

- The left one, I know, is in working order, but it needs to be brought to perfection.

- It is in limited working condition, - explained Marat Khusnullin - but for the future... We would bring it back to normal, and if you give the order, we will strengthen it!

It was obvious that they would be given everything.

It was windy on the bridge. The president was told about the progress of the work... "Reports were given every 12 hours... The staff was working around the clock... Asphalt concrete was laid... Barrier fences were put in place... Non-classical engineering solutions were used, which allowed us to shorten the construction period and complete the construction ahead of schedule..."

- For two weeks? - Vladimir Putin asked again.

- For 16 days.

He was standing on the very spot that had been blown up. Exactly on it.

Obviously, everyone around, and you can only imagine how many people were around, was convinced that this couldn't happen again.

And about the same time Russian missiles struck all over Ukraine, by the way. So all the more so.

- Immediately after the launch we are planning to start the dismantling of the left part of the span, - the builders told him this time.

- They call the deadline September 1, - said Marat Khusnullin - but let's see what can be done.

- At least by the middle of the season, - the president said.

Perhaps, the velvet one.

The damaged railroad section looked like it did immediately after the explosion. But the president was told that it was only in appearance. Work is going on, original solutions are being applied.

- Trains are running all the time! - Marat Khusnullin reported.

- Is one branch enough? - asked the president.

- Completely!

In the Manege, meanwhile, events were rapidly unfolding. There were just so many prizes.

- We love our country, and no one can take that love away from us! - warned from the stage the presenter.

- There are millions of us! - the presenter also warned.

- In the Caucasus there are always people who just can't help passing by someone else's misfortune! - the presenter on the stage said.

- They do their own thing! - Because they can't do otherwise! All over Russia! All over the world!

- We present the "Health of the Nation" award! - Here the projects in the sphere of mental and physical health, healthy lifestyle values are nominated!

Yes, it was a most important nomination. Such health was of interest to everyone, even the most disinterested.

The award was presented by Tatyana Golikova, Deputy Prime Minister, and Emil Fistal, Director of the Institute of Urgent and Reconstructive Surgery of V.K.Gusak (DPR).

The projects "All for Sports" from Stary Oskol in the Belgorod region, "Help is Coming" from Zheleznogorsk in the Krasnoyarsk region, "Angels of Hope" from Zimbabwe, "Save Rivers and Lakes" from Denmark... The international nature of the prize seemed undeniable.

- Only a person with a big heart and soul can do such great things! - Tatyana Golikova said, and it also seemed undeniable.

Still, she was referring to the nominees.

- 3400 applications from 85 regions of the country - said Tatiana Golikova - 78 applications from 32 countries! All over the world, men like you are saving people!

- All of you here, be well! - Emil Fistal said. - And most importantly, we are waiting for the victory, and I hope it will happen soon!

Perhaps he knew something. But I don't think so.

The "Help is coming!" project won. Its head wanted to say something, but the host interrupted him:

- How do you feel now? What do you feel now?

- Well, amazement! - The winner gave up. - I'm very happy. We will continue to help the terminally ill.

The award went to whom was said to be Zimbabwe's first lady, the founder of the Angels of Hope Foundation, Oxilia Mnangagwa.

- I am the first lady of Zimbabwe! - She repeated the presenter's words. - My heart is literally jumping out of my chest!

She showed exactly how.

Her performance was particularly impressive. She was remarkable in all her respects.

- I'm so excited to be here! - She sighed.

The acclimatization must have had its effect.

Vladimir Putin was with the builders on the Crimean Bridge and with the award winners at the Manege

The presentation of awards went on and on, there seemed to be no end in sight. But in the middle of it, Vladimir Putin showed up.

- You know, I would hate for what I am about to say to become tedious. But it is hard to find words to express our attitude toward people who selflessly, out of the goodness of their hearts, help the seriously ill in hospices, accompany major sporting events, support law enforcement, care for nature, and generally devote a significant portion of their lives to helping others - those who need this help. And they have a keen sense that someone needs support. These are our volunteers, and there are over 21 million of them - more than 15% of the total population of our vast country! It's an army! A huge army! - said Vladimir Putin.

He reasoned about these people in the categories he was now accustomed to.

"If only they could be mobilized..." even I thought dreamily, "That would be quite a deal!"

Yes, the temptation was great.

- And of course, today it is especially important and especially valuable that you support our guys who, as part of the special military operation, carry out critical tasks to support people in Donbas and in Novorossiya and make their contribution to the fight against neo-Nazism - Vladimir Putin continued.

Yes, it was definitely him here.

- I want to say, - added the president, - that your help to the families of our guys, their parents, wives and children is absolutely in demand. It's amazing, because it's not an obligation! People went there by their hearts. And of course the whole country should know the names of such people... Certainly, the behavior of such people forms what we call a national identity. It helps to preserve our national identity, which is the basis of the power of Russia!

Now that's a thing i would like to see at last.

The winner, Volunteer of the Year Vladimir Taranenko, received the award from the hands of the president.

Suddenly Vladimir Putin, already seemingly finished, added:

- "The word 'volunteer' is an international one. But "dobrovolets"[3] is, in my opinion, a purely Russian word. It has a lot of meaning. Dobrovolets is a person who does something, something very useful for others in goodwill. This is the heart and soul of the movement and of each and every one of you. Thank you very much. Congratulations on Dobrovolets Day (it was not so long ago that he introduced this holiday - A.K.). All the best!

Yes, it looks like all the volunteers will now be renamed dobrovoltsy. And that, of course, is a hassle. So much paperwork to rewrite.

- It's important to us that you are with us, and we are, of course, together! - exclaimed the presenter.

By that time Vladimir Putin had already left.

And the apotheosis was just coming on stage. Larissa Dolina came out.

"Russia is us (we said the whole army, why repeat it? - A. K.)! - She sang clearly, "It's you and me! Russia is our pride, yours and mine! Russia is power, glory, great people! Russia was, Russia is, Russia will be... From Slavic tribes to great Russia, through many wars, losing the best, you went your own way, because of your character, because you're the only one"!

And that's for sure.

[1] - Untranslateable pun, Владимир Путин за всё отмостил - Vladimir Putin [avenged everything/[bridged/paved] everything]. It's dumb and it's a bit complicated if you start thinking about it.
[2] - "Ivan Vasilievich Changes Profession" reference
[3] - Dobrovolets is the Russian equivalent of volunteer. Both words are used ("Доброволец" and "Волонтёр") interchangeably.
Original article © A. Kolesnikov

Pub: 06 Dec 2022 16:04 UTC
Views: 347