A Compendium of Information about GIRA (AKA Dean) - CEO of KoMETA - and their conduct towards Staff Members and Talents within KoMETA

DISCLAIMER All information presented within this document is open-source at the time of this document's writing. Everything should be taken with a grain of salt as the information provided paints a very strong picture even if it is untrue despite the evidence, however the evidence DOES paint a massive picture of how Dean is a terrible CEO and lied to his fans.


“Also don’t forget that all expenses for me to set KoMETA up are out of pocket. Not an investment firm or bank loan. This company and passion isn’t disposable to me so I’m definitely not throwing what I want KoMETA to be into the toilet for something as stupid as office romance.

  • GIRA, 2023


“the practice among those with power or influence of favoring relatives, friends, or associates, especially by giving them jobs.”

“guilty of or involving deceit; deceiving or misleading others.”


Raison d'être of this Document The reason this document was created was because the post-graduation announcement by GIRA on his Personal Discord server was a fabrication of the truth, the fact that the talents and fans are pissed; and I personally knew Dean, as a senior to be what I know as someone who commits sadfishing and effectively tried to get into multiple peoples pants by using sympathy as the bait.

  • Dare to be Different, Be a “Game Changer”.

Transcript of GIRA’s Statement in Discord Regarding Virgil and Miria’s Graduation

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- SEA vtuber companies are wild Anonymous 06/03/23(Sat)00:35:07 No.50636684

50636865 >>50636900 >>50637023 >>50637044 >>50637081 >>50637253 >>50637361 >>50637451 >>50639045 >>50639134 >>50640224 >>50640498

be Gira
start vtuber company by borrowing from rich relatives
have this one particular girl become the main character and face of the company
even shell out money so that your talents have decent streaming rigs
get lauded by local vtuber scene, all your talents get along like friends
main girl becomes your gf
proceed to live at the same place as your gf
proceed to earn money for two years but do nothing to improve your company
instead hire a big tiddy staff
then proceed to hire a “personal assistant” that serves no purpose for the company except for personal use (IE sex)
let your assistant crash at your house
your girlfriend is a cuck and just lets you do it
girlfriend develops health issues that makes her unable to stream anymore
she graduates
decide to replace your GF’s vtuber with another voice actress to save some shekels
that naturally alarms all including your remaining talents except your most ardent dicksuckers
fans and two remaining talents beg you not to do it
everyone basically is telling you not to do it
concerned fans are voicing out their opinions on why not to do it
ignore them all
talents get paranoid at being replaced while rejecting the idea of replacing their friend
go ahead with it anyway
convince GF to tell everyone she’s okay with being replaced and it’s her decision
GF ignored all of fans and other two talents who was fighting for her sake and rights
GF went and told everyone it’s her decision along on an official post
other talents who was fighting for their friend, your GF, now feels betrayed by her
other talents decide to not renew their contracts and leave
you’re left with a licensed company that has NO talent, no bitches and bad image
you are here

Source: https://files.catbox.moe/a6qntm.png

GIRA’s Discord post after Virgil and Miria’s Graduation Announcement GIRA posted an announcement on his server on June 3 here are the contents of that Discord announcement. Please take note that this announcement was made on GIRA’s personal server, not in a community KoMETA server, or in any of the KoMETA Virtual Live official social media accounts.

Transcript of GIRA’s Statement in Discord Regarding Virgil and Miria’s Graduation ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

GIRA Today at 7:48 AM
Elaine graduated because she simply can’t stream on a schedule anymore. I hope people stop minimizing her health problems since it brought a lot of suffering to her.

Also don’t forget that all expenses for me to set KoMETA up are out of pocket. Not an investment firm or bank loan. This company and passion isn’t disposable to me so I’m definitely not throwing what I want KoMETA to be into the toilet for something as stupid as office romance.

GIRA Today at 7:56 AM
All I can say outside of interviews is that we’ll continue to have talents under us under an improved *management structure. This isn’t the end of my work.
It simply didn’t work out for them so I’m giving them what they want which is an exit/graduation. (edited)
Besides that reassurance it’s kinda useless for me to say anything since it’ll be buried a lot of drama or paint a target on my staff members. I’ll let my actions speak for myself and hope that circumstances are better this time around.

Source: https://files.catbox.moe/6e62dk.png

The first part of this announcement says that Elaine had graduated because she cannot stream on a schedule, and that GIRA hopes that people stop minimizing her health problems, this feels like GIRA is pushing the blame onto the fans for being worried about Elaine, they have been nothing but understanding towards Elaine’s health situation, but have had some questions regarding the fact that someone named “Sarah”, who had a similar voice as Elaine had streamed with GIRA on May 16th.

This is the stream where “Sarah” appears with text above her head saying “This is a friend of mine.
Not related to my work.”:

In the second part, GIRA then mentions how all of his expenses are “Out of pocket” and “Not an investment firm or bank loan.” While this is true, it feels very disingenuous since he has previously posted about his relatives providing investments, and has posted investment ads on his Facebook account before.

Screenshot of GIRA’s post being very thankful to his uncle who had provided assistance alongside an investment towards his company:

GIRA had also asked for investors on his Facebook page prior to this, this is a screenshot of him reposting the investment post which had since been deleted.


GIRA (Dean) Below is PUBLICLY AVAILABLE information that correlates the user GIRA to be "Dean" with significant proof of this being the case. Dean has his workplace set to KoMETA Virtual Live on his Facebook, and the business email of KoMETA is named Dean. Dean also wears the exact same clothes, cap and headphones as GIRA. This section is required information for the “Assistant-Chan” section to make more sense.

Dean’s profile showing that he works for KoMETA

KoMETA Virtual Live having the business email set as [email protected]

Dean is using the same profile picture as GIRA. The only difference is that Dean’s profile picture has a border with the KoMETA Virtual Live name on it.

Screenshots from an Anonymous PHVtuber These screenshots are from an anonymous PHVtuber who has had experiences with KoMETA and it’s CEO, GIRA. This conversation happened after the 4chan thread was created:

Here are three screenshots from the server during the discussion about KoMETA:


Staff-Chan Below is PUBLICLY AVAILABLE information, This is pure speculation based on public information that has damning evidence to support these claims. Staff-Chan (who appeared randomly) began her presence with the unprofessional actions of shoving her breasts in GIRA’s face. Normally this would be considered playful but the reasoning for even making this section on this person is due to the fact that GIRA’s tendencies to follow his fantasies of office-house play. This comes off as extremely suspect with the other information available in this document.

After scratching the brain as to who it could be, you start to piece things together that its LIKELY the PH Cosplayer KiraKiraKat, who you see publicly defending Gira on twitter despite the allegations, not to mention the significant pictures of them together as well as the body type/breast size matching up with similar voices.

Here are six instances of GIRA posting images of him alongside “Staff-chan”:

With that one image where Staff-Chan is wearing a yukata, GIRA had replied “here u go”, with an image of Staff-Chan with the yukata unraveled:

This video shows that KiraKiraKat had once worn the exact same T-shirt that is seen underneath the yukata in the previous image. While it may not be solid evidence, this is too big of a coincidence to ignore:

Regarding Staff-Chan’s voice matching up with KiraKiraKat’s, here is a short clip during KiraKiraKat’s karaoke stream:

And here is a clip of Staff-Chan’s first time talking in stream:


Assistant-Chan Below is PUBLICLY AVAILABLE information that correlates the user Moldy Milk to be "Assistant-Chan" with significant proof of this being the case. All information is speculation as there is no direct confirmation but the overwhelming evidence suggests she is in a relationship, sexual or otherwise, with GIRA.

There have been several instances where the user Moldy Milk has interacted with GIRA on twitter, including drawing art of GIRA in his maid outfit. This was prior to the announcement of “Assistant-chan” being hired in KoMETA. No matter how you look at this, this is a thirst post, you cannot deny that it’s a thirst post when looking at it from a neutral angle but it sets the precedent of the entire speculation as to the fact that she is indeed in a relationship with him.

Moldy Milk was found posting the same Miria fanart as Assistant-Chan.
Here is the image showing Moldy Milk's fanart of Miria-Chan

First selfie posted with GIRA and Moldy Milk in a convention:

Here is a post of Moldy Milk seeing the Maid GIRA posted by Virgil.

Here is a meme of GIRA in his maid outfit drawn and posted by Moldy Milk.

Another drawn image of GIRA wearing his maid outfit by Moldy Milk.

The image below is Moldy Milk receiving a notebook from GIRA, implying that they know each other IRL.

Though the following images are damning, please remember that this is merely speculation. Please take them with a grain of salt.
Here is a photo of Dean, and two drawings created by Moldy Milk. The images by Moldy Milk use the photo of Dean as reference.

The photo of Dean:

The two images created by Moldy Milk with Dean as reference:

Here is an overlay of the two images, showing evidence that Dean was used as a reference by
Moldy Milk:

The last picture is related to the pictures of Dean, they are needed as context as to what the next section is. Here is an explicit image drawn by Moldy Milk, featuring someone with a similar hairstyle and glasses as the art with Dean, committing sexual acts with Moldy Milk’s OC:


Concluding Remarks Everything beyond this are matters between his conduct and activities with talents outside of professional relations. Things people that have covered much more in-depth and with much more conclusive examples. I felt the need to bring this all out to light as to dissuade or prevent any future occurrences of misconduct if people didn't know and most of this was left unsaid. I cannot stand idly by as people like GIRA leave a bad aftertaste in a culture and industry I genuinely support and enjoy.

Thank you for reading. I hope with this things aren’t left on a dour note.

Pub: 05 Jun 2023 13:30 UTC
Edit: 06 Jun 2023 07:02 UTC
Views: 2412