why am I blocked by @154gk?

  • updated this just for funsies
  • used to be @jhwpng
  • this is not a dni list this is a "if you are blocked and wondering why here are some possible reasons" list
  • I have 1.6m+ people blocked and counting
  • I run block chains so it's entirely possible you didn't do anything wrong and just got caught up in one
  • you also could be blocked if you followed someone who got cancelled to stalk them in case they went priv and I ran the block chain while you were still following them
  • just because you fit a reason on this list doesn't necessarily mean I blocked you for that reason and you can always send me a cc asking for clarification or for me to unblock
  • if I unblock you I can not promise that you won't get caught in another block chain at some point in the future
  • if it's in bold I will probably not make exceptions (you can still ask I'm just giving you a heads up)

you fit my dni, I fit your dni, you anti bts, you say you don't anti them but I get anti vibes from you or I've seen you shit on them for whatever reason, you stan bigbang, suju, oh my girl, gfriend or viviz, enhypen (minus sunoo), skz woojin, exo kris wu, aoa mina, nct lucas, aespa giselle, clc sorn, lsrfm garam, oneus ravn, onepact jay chang or yoon jongwoo, or another problematic group or idol I just dislike, you genuinely think cis/cisgender, cracker, twink, or femboy is a slur, you use the term femboy unironically, if you can't tell the difference between a slur and a derogatory term, you think asians who aren't chinese can reclaim the c slur or you're not chinese and you use the c slur, you sympathize with or suck up to japan(ese imperialism/nationalism), you call other asians racist for shitting on japan or korean men, you equate chinese people with the ccp, you think some racial minorities have a free pass for being racist towards other racial minorities or believe some racial minorities "can't be racist" towards other racial minorities, you think reverse racism or russophobia exists, you don't have your race/ethnicity anywhere on your account, you don't have your race/ethnicity anywhere on your account and repeatedly use racial slurs, you go by an ethnic specific name when you're not that ethnicity, honestly if you go by any anime or genshin name (even if it's not ethnic-specific) obviously not including ids or fictives, you're a racefaker, you only bring up your race/ethnicity to "win" arguments, you think cishet aro/ace people are lgbtq+ (don't even argue with me on this one), you use en pronouns page (1 2), you self identify as proship, comship, anti-anti, "anti-harassment," any other similar term, or defend/sympathize with proshippers in any way, we're ex mutuals, you blocked me first, (I think) you subtweeted me, your entire humor revolves around nsfw, unsanitary, or bait/shock value jokes, you have 13yo genshin tiktoker humor, you made me or one of my headmates uncomfortable, a headmate got annoyed by you (lol), you claim to be an endo system or you support endo systems, you fakeclaim random people on the internet, you like or stan a character (bakugou, eren, hisoka, etc) or celebrity/public figure/content creator (lil nas x (1), harry styles (1), cavetown (1 2 3), steve lacy (1 2), the weeknd (1), most vtubers (1), most of nijisanji en (1), taylor swift, ariana grande, anyone from mcyt or dsmp, etc) that I dislike, you think you like or know any character from link click or the donghua itself more than we do, you stan scaramouche, you think you like or know scaramouche more than we do, you hate xiaoven or scarachilde, you're on genshintwt (chain blocked proshippers, kaeluc shippers, weaboos and japan idolizers, sinophobes, veechu defenders/4nemo users, age discourse engagers (honestly any genshintwt discourse is fucking stupid you all need to stop arguing and go outside), and other weird people), you're on orvtwt (chain blocked proshippers, orvporntwt, doksoo shippers (sorry about this one I'm mentally ill), etc), you're on danmeitwt (chain blocked proshippers, 2ha (specifically ranwan) enjoyers, svsss enjoyers, hualian shippers, bingqiu shippers, starember defenders (1), weird mxtx or meatbun fans, people I got fujoshi vibes from, etc), you're on trtwt (chain blocked anyone who made a remotely suggestive comment about a 14 year old character, etc), you're on bllktwt (chain blocked really annoying ex oomf who was popular in the subtwt, racists, some people involved in ryusae discourse (dude I don't even gaf about them but the arguments are so braindead), people who actually think they're proship, etc), you're on enstarstwt (chain blocked losers who got mad over that lightbrush vs. wataei tumblr poll), you're on whatever the fuck the lego fandom subtwt is called (chain blocked racists and people who defended drawing humanoid legos with piss yellow skin), you're on daiyatwt (chain blocked proshippers and porn addicts), you're on aottwt (why do every single one of you defend japanese imperialism with your life, also I just don't like you guys lmao), you ship bakudeku (bnha), eremika (aot), kokonui (tr), spod (orv), ranwan (2ha), or another ship I just dislike, you actively talk about playing or being a fan of danganronpa, identity v (1 2), or omori (1 2), you complain about a chinese person spending money on genshin but support the creators of any of the games I listed above or honkai, tot, enstars (1 2), pjsekai (1 2), bandori (1 2 3 4), hypmic (1), love live, and idolmaster, I think you're annoying, you hate one of my close mutuals, you have the same name(s) as me, a headmate, a close mutual, or a character I like, you have a toothpaste flag pfp or you use the toothpaste flag while knowing it's lesbiphobic, someone put you on my tl or I saw you in the comments or qrts of a tweet and I thought you were annoying and/or wrong, you tried to pick a fight with me or a mutual, you annoyed me somehow (no shade but this happens extremely easily), you misgendered me, you follow anyone who fits any of the things listed above, etc...

there's more but I can't remember everything rn

hope you had fun reading all that <3

Pub: 21 Apr 2022 02:58 UTC
Edit: 12 Oct 2024 22:30 UTC
Views: 83390