byf :
i keyb smash,mute / block freely,sb to unf,slightly selective fb,i use tonetag when necessary,english isn’t my first language,plz dont say anything sexual towards me unless close,i’m a sensitive person,i type in all caps sometimes,i misspell,swear sometimes,i make kys/kms jokes lmk if you’re uncomfy w that,lmk if you’re going to vent,i might go ia,est time zone,i reply v fast or take a year 2 reply,sometimes spam,i also use a lot of emoticons / kaomojis .
d dni :
basic dni criteria,under 13 & over 21 (current moots are fine),freaks / weirdos,sh / ed / gore / ouchie / shed twt,rcta & ecta,dsmp fans / supporters,rude people,proshippers,toya x any tenma shippers,baiters,if you’re planning to copy me,sp fans,lil nas x / lil uzi listeners / fans,you hate any of my interests .
d pls cw / tw :
self harm,irl gore,irl blood,jumpscares,loud noises .


Pub: 14 Sep 2023 12:28 UTC
Edit: 25 May 2024 18:12 UTC
Views: 742