Songs of the Idol's being ♡
Welcome! These are not simply songs that I deeply relate to — in fact, there are just two I don't relate to at all — but instead songs I feel deeply connected with for many reasons that are difficult to explain! I don't think there are many others who experience this, but if there are, and you "double" any of the songs listed here, don't worry about it as I do not mind at all!

The girl wanted to be aliceNotoriousDead or like?LoveitDarling dance。Alkali underachiever。Affection underachiever。Rirarura dreaming。Senbonzakura。Bad end maker。Zankoku reml。Capsule for when you wanna die。Weakness。All-knowing && all agony。I love you。I wanna be loved like her。Maiden dissection。Do you even dj?。

I feel so sad。Difrail。Almost ended。Menhera rock。I wanna keep thinking like this。Syrupse-a。Heavenly you。A drowned body wants to be lovey dovey。How-to world domination。Overkill。Seeping happiness。Menhera demon。The things I loved are dead。Love/hate stalemate。 Hakahakai princess。Kami parasite。Zombies。Roller。Aster。Yamiaka steroid。Otahen anthem。

Pub: 23 Jul 2022 20:36 UTC
Edit: 06 Mar 2024 05:13 UTC
Views: 700