" I wanna die when you kiss me slowly I'd be just fine if my blood stopped flowin' . "

ac : @fieryscreams on pinterest

  FiNLEY ᵒʳ FiNN   HE ) iT    
SYSHOST 5teen  ENG + FR  
 my love 


𝜗𝜚 ┈ BYi 。

i am diagnosed with auDHD. i will not disclose all diagnosez due to my safety. i am the host & trauma/memory holder of the Invictus Syndicate. i am psychotic + an introj of furina :3 i have delusionz attached to my irlz ! i am currently NOT READY to recover ! this does NOT mean that i am anti-recovery as i am still attempting to help myself in many wayz !! i am vry proud of anyone in recovery

i am VERY prone to panic attackz so plz try not to get angry at me for thingz, instead, if i have done anything wrong just confront me kindly without attacking me, i can get very overwhelmed when ppl yell at me. i am a super paranoid person so if ur going to inspo / copy me without asking or saying anything i will most likely message u right away & call u out ! i am vry strong abt my opinionz and will make sure everyone understandz them / my side of thingz. i make lotz of jokez having to do with calling ppl rude namez (idiot, stupid, dumb, loser, etc). i also tend to make kms jokez esp when i die in gamez or other thingz similar, i also make some NSFW jokez but very rarely ! plz take these jokez lightly ! i may / have been told i come across as blunt or rude at timez. itz often difficult for me to perceive my tone and the way my wordz come out, so i apologize if i sound a bit harsh.

when talking to a new person i am EXTREMELY shy and will most likely be super non-talkative the whole convo. this does not mean i dont like u or dont wanna talk with u, im just very awkward & nervous around new ppl (ToT)

i age & pet regress. plz be patient with me as i can easily become overwhelmed due to yelling and loudness, thingz like fireworks and loud bangz scare me a lot due to my hypersensitivity. i tend to take a while/am unable to understand certain things like sarcasm, tone tagz r needed and very helpful for this reason ! i am very sensitive. i have very minor tics (rn i keep saying the word hard :sob:) my stims consist of meowz, hissing, flapping my armz/handz, & random squeak noisez, as for my virtual stimz, they r mostly keyboard smashing and sending a bunch of stickerz, gifz, and emojiz !! i have very frequent maladaptive daydreamz so if i stop responding for a while that is most likely what i am doing. i put Z's at the end of certain wordz ! i speak both english & french. I sometimez talk in 3rd person :3 if this makez u uncomfy plz lmk & i can stop

i am both a multishipper & cross-shipper ! i am okay with every LEGAL ship. i dont hide ppl if they dislike any of the thingz i ship lmao, i could care less abt that as everyone has their own opinionz esp since a lot can be reasonable, however, plz dont be an ass abt shipz. i dont have the time or energy to start shit over animated video game / anime characterz :sob:


WNR = will not respond dniubf/gf = do not interact unless boyfriend / girlfriend dniulm = do not interact unless lovemail dniuid = do not interact unless i do fdni = fandom do not interact NV = non-verbal SV = semi-verbal

i am ALMOST alwayz in the hoyoverse & pjsekai areaz, however, i can also be found at the library, bakery, or at any of the picnic blanketz !! ^_^ + ETC .

do not cover me on purpose unless we r friendz. i hate asking ppl to move bcuz im scared theyre gonna get mad at me (ToT) i will most likely just ignore it and not say anything until they move, or if im feeling brave that day ill just sit ontop of them. do NOT be rude to me or my friendz, i will not tolerate that at all. i dont accept random friend reqz if we have never interacted / spoken with one another. i tend to sit with anyone who is sitting with my friendz at the time, if that makez u uncomfy in any way plzplz lmk and i will move :)

gross skinz such as those penis poniez PLZ DNI, itz literally a pony game u freakazoid ! i dont respond to whisperz/crownz/complimentz much bcuz i am very nervouz when speaking with otherz. just know i appreciate all complimentz & crownz very much :3 if u poke me and i go into menu that meanz im uncomfy or avoiding convo (ToT) ALL of my gifted skinz are from friendz :3 (mostly from aeris, suga, vira and marcielle)

Pub: 17 Apr 2024 22:19 UTC
Edit: 22 Jul 2024 08:03 UTC
Views: 716