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  • I really like ritsukasa! top/bottom order not fixed i have no preference & i eat up everything 🐻🐰
  • My landmines are every other pairing involving ritsu/tsukasa thats not ritsukasa (including OT3) just a fyi! if you're alr my mutual then you're fine just try to namedrop them so it can be filtered by muted words (on twt) or just avoid talking about them with me (on insta/anywhere else). if you're not my mutual and talk about my landmine often then i will just not interact/follow back and worst case scenario mute/block you
    • can i share my rtks hcs here...?
  • the big spoon depends on who slept first. if ritsu fell asleep first then kasa's gonna squiggle his way to big-spoon him and if kasa fell asleep first ritsu is gonna hug him so hard that he couldnt escape
  • ritsu is (obviously) the more clingy one esp during winter but when kasa is mega stressed out he will seek out ritsu and ask him "ritsu-senpai can we pls cuddle."
  • ritsu's canonically stronger than tsukasa so he would princess-carry him sometimes... much to kasa's embarrassment
  • i think it would take them ages to confess bc tsukasa is too shy (and has a high ego), while ritsu wants to hear tsukasa confess first (also bc he's too shy and has high ego)
  • tsukasa's love language is quality time and act of service (he would try to spare some free time frm work for ritsu after they're dating) while ritsu's love language is physical touch (he's touch starved), act of service (helping kasa with training, school work, etc) and giftgiving (love buying him snacks + make him desserts)
  • they're hella obsessed with each other... kasa gets jealous when ritsu's hanging out with other people more than him but its more in a "does senpai not like me anymore...? am i not good enough?" way, while ritsu gets jealous VERY EASILY even though he plays it off as a joke but ritsu will blatantly show to other people that suuchan is his through PDA (bro relax no one is taking suuchan from you...!)
  • tsukasa is sunshine ritsu is midnight rain
  • tsukasa was so frustrated that he couldn't piggy back carry ritsu bc he's lacking strength... he wants to protect ritsu-senpai too... so he trains more intensely to build muscles until the day he can carry ritsu on his back (while still stumbling, probably)
  • for more serious in-depth lore stuff! you can read them if you're feeling bored

the whole point of ritsukasa is that they both have what the other needs (ritsu is too laid-back, and tsukasa is too serious) which is why they clash a lot of times, and this is exactly why their development from ! era to !! era is very important. they grew to understand and help each other out (ritsu manages to shift his sleep schedule and work as equally hard as everyone else from tsukasa's push and motivation, while tsukasa is reminded to not take everything seriously and not be too hard on himself from ritsu's teasing), they help strengthen each other's weak points.
from ritsu's POV:
ritsu is affected by the war despite not directly participating in it. he "helped" eichi to execute rei by offering details about rei's weakness which is his sense of compassion and how he stuck his nose in everyone's business (if you're interested in more of this you can look deeper into the sakuma lore) this is because ritsu is still hurt about rei leaving him to go abroad aka to find the "cure" for ritsu's illness, and ritsu really didn't have any other family member around when rei went abroad so ritsu is left with some horrible abandonment issues.
due to this abandonment issues, ritsu kept everyone at arm's length and didn't try to get closer/attached to anyone in fear of them leaving him too. the war impacted the whole of knights (izuleo and their codependency, leo couldn't continue making music and locked himself in his room for about a whole school year, someone who adored arashi had their dreams broken & committed suicide, and ofc ritsu as mentioned above) and because of knights losing its king; leo disappearing from yumenosaki after the war, their unit was basically in decline. tsukasa entered yumenosaki post-war so he doesn't know much about what happened.
when tsukasa first joined knights, ritsu didn't pay much attention to him aside from thinking how tsukasa is "serious yet still have a childish side". they bickered a lot because of their clashing personalities like i said before. it was in king's horseback that tsukasa told ritsu about how much he admires his seniors & from seeing tsukasa himself practice hard for judgment, it pushed ritsu to also do his best against knight killers that when he went against eichi it came out a tie. this is eichi the emperor mind you ☝ which means ritsu is as skilled and charismatic as eichi when he put his all into something. from this story onwards ritsu sees tsukasa as someone who saved knights and revived them from the dead. tsukasa symbolizes hope to ritsu (quote how ritsu thinks that his life has never been as lively as this before and he assumes its because of tsukasa)
now with tsukasa you have to be a bit delusional because he's the receiving end in the relationship most of the time but initially tsukasa really only saw ritsu as a "lazy senior". his view of ritsu shifted during king's horseback ride where ritsu woke up and went to sleep at proper hours in preparation for judgment (which tsukasa admits he admired), and how ritsu helped him practice. i like to imagine that he went "oh, maybe ritsu-senpai isn't as bad as i thought he was"
a reoccurring theme in !! era after tsukasa became the king is that tsukasa tend to try getting everything while losing nothing. ritsu's role is to remind tsukasa that it is impossible to not choose something to sacrifice in some scenarios, and to be deemed a "good" king, he needs to make a decision. otherwise tsukasa will become a tyrant (a king who rules its people based on personal feelings) or a puppet (a king who only listens to their people), and ritsu want tsukasa to understand that there is a pro and con of each choice. ritsu know that tsukasa is still young so its not easy to make the right decision right away, so he is willing to lend tsukasa his knowledge.
another reoccurring theme is the "two kings" situation where leo has officially stepped down from the king title & is no longer their leader and their new leader is tsukasa now, BUT leo is still the face/center of their unit so in-game knights fans have this blurry perception that there are two kings (instead of it being just tsukasa). which you know its kinda taking a toll on tsukasa like "why won't people see me as the true king of knights??" it must be extremely frustrating for him that people see them as two kings instead of just tsukasa front and center. happyele kinda left the topic hanging there so people are speculating that tsukasa center will talk about this topic further. and i just want to mention how ritsu is the first one and has always been the one to support tsukasa becoming the next king, so it makes sense for ritsu to play a big role during tsukasa's center event 💥
ritsu has the tendencies to blame himself when things go wrong, particularly when his strategy doesn't go as planned. he even started blaming himself before it had a significant effect on them, which tsukasa responded w/ "being afraid and being doubtful happens to everyone. but, humans are constantly learning, we'll just have to try our hardest to not stain our hands with blood". this is why tsukasa is so important to ritsu — he's given ritsu and knights hope for the future, and ritsu knows that tsukasa is very hardheaded when it comes to his opinion and what he wants to do (abusing his power as a king), if he continues on to be like this, there will be a line to cross where tsukasa finally lose his patience and snap. ritsu really doesn't want that to happen, so he chose to be a mediator when tsukasa get into a fight/disagreement with other knights members. ritsu doesn't want tsukasa to break. though it unfortunately came true in sudden death where tsukasa had to choose between his family or his unit and he, with heavy heart chose his family. tsukasa felt as if he betrayed knights and the guilt was too much to bear he became suicidal.
now i've mentioned all the ways ritsukasa compliment each other but despite that, they still clash sometimes even after their development towards the !! era. the plot point of meowsketeers is that ritsu was bothered by how tsukasa dismissed a bunch of newbies harshly because they were slacking off in the previous live. tsukasa's reasoning was that he wants only people who take their activities seriously in knights, and if they just want to have fun as an idol, they should join other units instead. ritsu doesn't agree with tsukasa's ways and spent the first half of the story stressed about it. he wants to support tsukasa as the new king, and even though he understands tsukasa's point, he feels bad for the newbies.
the reason ritsu was so bothered by dartagnyan (a stray black cat ritsukasa found in this story) is because the cat had so much attitude that it reminded ritsu of the newbies tsukasa dismissed. ritsu's stress accumulated over the course of their meeting and exploded when tsukasa kept making decisions without thinking much of it (sparing the cat at first and then scolding it later after it stole ritsu's blanket). ritsu didn't like how tsukasa cut off the cat only after it inconvenienced them, and if it has to come to that its much better to just kept it far away in the first place. tsukasa later realized ritsu's distress and apologized.
ritsukasa's relationship is full of flaws, they're not perfect in any way but tsukasa needs to rely on ritsu and ritsu needs to support tsukasa. my vision of a happy end for them is both of them accepting that yeah. the other is just built like that you can't change someone completely but what you can do is support them to become better. ritsukasa in canon timeline have grown to be comfortable around each other and can express their genuine feelings without hiding anything which is amazing. they cannot continue living without the other.

Pub: 21 Sep 2023 10:44 UTC
Edit: 25 Mar 2024 13:20 UTC
Views: 210