Skip the Youth

"Aging is weird. One day, you go to bed full of energy, and when you wake up... you're old...~" was what Mio used to frequently say around the other idols, laughing gently, one finger pointing up as if the motherly wolf girl had just shared an undeniable fact about life.

Marine didn't buy any of that. She wasn't old. And so wasn't Mio!

"It's just..."

It's just the world that has gotten younger, somehow. The girls joining Hololive seemed younger with each passing generation, to the point Marine was having trouble even understanding their lingo. But that didn't mean she was completely out of the loop! She was still hip! She was still young! And she had the vaguest clue about what the word "gyatt" meant!

"It's pointless to fret about this... my looks speak for themselves!" She faced the full size mirror in her room, and managed to stop pouting once she had a clear view of her figure. "I don't look a day past 17~!" A smile appeared on her full, pink lips.

Regardless of her actual age, it was undeniable that Marine looked stunning. From her glossy red hair tied into long twintails, down to her feet, well-manicured toenails matching the color of her head as she switched from one foot to the other in excitement at the realization that yeah, she still got it. If it weren't for her unzipped black jacket, she would be wearing only a bikini, and yet there was nothing to worry, nothing she needed to hide. Her breasts were still full, plump, and firm, a golden necklace resting just above her the open visage of cleavage. Her stomach was toned, neither too bony nor meaty. Her legs! Marine bit her bottom lip once she saw their movement as she kept stepping into place, too happy and enamored with her entire figure, her thighs toned yet alluring, the thigh-strap she wore on her right leg causing a miniscule squishy part of thigh to be evident and no much else, just the perfect amount of tender meat and musculature.

Her face was also pretty much immaculate. Sure, it was a bit red, but how was Marine not supposed to blush when seeing such a bombshell winking at her in the mirror's reflection? No laugh lines, no bags under her exotic different-colored eyes, small earlobes adorned with fashionable earrings... she was in her prime. And she wanted a snapshot of that occasion. Photographs lasted forever. And so did her beauty, she mused as she reached for her smartphone.

She set the camera app for a quick selfie... and then decided that that felt too bland. It didn't highlight her attitude, her overwhelming sex appeal, at all. She practiced a few poses, almost deciding for one that showcased her most beloved asset. If she was blushing at her view from the front, her backside was an entirely different ordeal. She absolutely LOVED her shapely bubble butt. Yes, sometimes she had to ask for a larger bikini bottom piece as it was even bigger than her already large chest, but Marine's ass would never be a bother to her. She sank her fingers into it a bit, enjoying its smooth surface devoid of any blemishes. It jiggled healthily, not a single stretch mark or fat pocket in sight despite its considerable size.

It took all her self-control to settle for a pose that didn't showcase her rear. Since she would be posting the selfie on social media, she wanted to be a little more modest than usual... It was still daylight. More risqué snapshots could wait until after dark.

"Ah! I know just the thing! I saw one of the new girls doing this one... and I bet I can pull it off better...~" She lowered her upper body, resting on her heels and keeping her knees pointed up. "I believe it is called 'sasquatching'... yup, keeping up with the trends!" The pose highlighted her ample chest just as much as her legs and the perfect shape of her knees, and from the side, even with the unzipped jacket on, there was a glimpse of Marine's ass just barely into view, a subtle display of eye-candy jutting from hips that could belong to a statue of a Goddess. But better than looking great, what Marine really enjoyed was how seamlessly she got into that position. There was no protest from her back, no strain on her legs. Her movements felt natural and light, her posture straight despite her legs and feet having to do most of the work in keeping her balance.

She made a V sign with one hand, aimed her phone with the other, and clicked the circle on her phone's screen.


The digital noise of her phone alerted that Marine's perfect picture had been saved for eternity.

"Can't wait to post it!" She was already trying to think of a caption to go with it. Something deep, showcasing lots of wisdom, like Mio with her card reading or a quote from Flare’s elven ancestry. Although she was so enamored by her looks that even a "looking hot af lmao" wouldn't feel that crass. Marine put her phone on the carpet and then began to return to her standing position, not even bothering to use her hands to do so. After all, she was so springy and athletic and—

Cllaaack-!! pop!

"Ou-Ouchie...!" Marine's knees instantly protested from her sudden movement, and she couldn't complete the action. "H-Huh...? My legs must've... must've gone numb from being in the same position for too long...?" But Marine wasn't so sure of that. Because it wasn't just the creak and popping of her knees that alarmed her. There was a quick sharp pain on her lower back for a brief moment, and her upper half was sore. That part Marine understood very well. Even in that "sasquatching" position, her heavy breasts still pooled over her lap, the bikini top doing little to contain their sag—

"W-W-What!?" Marine's voice went up in pitch, even if it still sounded quite low, almost sore in tone. "My... my chest isn't this big...!" The way her breasts were oozing against her thighs was surreal to her. They had gotten so big out of nowhere, that she couldn't even see most of the plump thighs they were resting on. Wait... plump…? No, that's not right either...! But what Marine could see past her expanded bosom betrayed her thoughts completely. Meaty and untoned, her legs were even wider than the size of her bust, trembling from her current pose. A pose she eventually could not keep up with anymore, her stamina failing her suddenly, causing Marine to drop to the floor.


Luckily for her, her massive fat ass cushioned the fall and then some.

"Aw aw... ouch...!" Knees spared from the burdensome angle they had been put in, they still popped a bit more before entering their typical aching state from when Marine troubled them too much. She began to rub them a bit by reflex, massaging the bones underneath the loose skin that padded them. Just the act of tending to those numb joints robbed Marine out of breath again — it was hard to do things while sitting with such a round gut joining her bust almost on purpose to get in her way.

"...!!!" If everything that just happened wasn't entirely bizarre already, Marine couldn't even muster a proper shriek from seeing what her waistline had turned into. Her petite belly, perfectly squishy before, was swapped by a large, flabby gut that creased into two big unhealthy-looking rolls of blubber thanks to her precarious sitting position. She hesitated to even touch it for a bit, her mind racing against her heart to see which could be more out of control. She brought a trembling hand to her middle, eyes widening in shock yet again once she realized her fingers had also changed, pudgy digits that looked shorter than the slender lines she was used to. That chubby hand met an even softer destination. The dome of flab her heavy chest rested on was real. It was very, very real — from her delicate belly button that had now expanded into a cavernous navel she could pry three of her new sausage fingers into, to the faint texture of cellulite at the very tip of her tummy. Shifting — and wobbling — in place, she could spot faded stretch marks coating her side rolls and newly-grown love handles. Marine audibly yelped at the sight and feel of her fattened body.

"This... this can't be..." Marine uttered, almost scared to look into the mirror. But she needed to. Maybe it was all a dream. Obviously, she was going to meet her reflection and see the beautiful curvy Marine of usual, in a bikini that supported her assets well and didn't feel like it was ready to split, as well as her... red? yellow...? She wasn't sure what color her jacket was, but she was absolutely positive she was wearing one just now... even if said clothing was probably going to be a tight fit with how round her upper arms had gotten... "No! Remember...!" She closed her eyes, gathered courage that now seemed to be buried deeply under all that newfound fat, and then opened her eyes again, finally facing the mirror.

No jacket.

In fact, Marine wasn't even wearing the lower half of her bikini, she now realized. She wore stretchy white shorts that appeared to be on their last stretch with how it clung to her waistline and hips. Of course she wasn't wearing a bikini down there. Thin straps of clothing were easy prey for her dumptruck of an ass. She sighed, relieved that she wouldn't have to keep fishing the bikini out of her buttcrack for the day.

"N-No! This isn't normal...!" Marine felt like her mind, eyes and especially her body were playing tricks on her. Remembering her trimmed and responsive body felt almost impossible even if she was sure no more than five minutes must have passed since she took the sexiest picture of all tim—


Her phone was there, on the carpet, like she remembered... No. It was on her desk. She must've left there. Surely. That didn't matter much to Marine. All she had to do was get up, retrieve the evidence and put an end to this twisted nightmare.

"Ooph...!!" Good God, how does one get up being this fat...!? I could never live like this...! She would have to use not only her hands, but all the strength she could find in her atrophied legs to get up from the floor. Maybe even rock a bit from one side to the other, almost rolling on the floor, just to get some movement. I can do this... I mean... I'm used... used to doing it...? One more time, it was like a fog took hold of Marine's memories. The feeling of being nimble and small felt like a distant, fuzzy dream. She tried focusing again but only recalled being a bit clumsy when getting up. "Here... I come...!"

It wasn't that hard once she put her mind, and more importantly, her very chubby body into it. She was on porky feet, a bit winded and sweaty, but intact.


Well, her thigh strap bursted once she took the first step, but it was a miracle that I even got that on in the first place, with how my legs have been touching together as of late. Before walking towards her smartphone on the bedroom's desk, Marine eyed her side profile on the mirror.

"Yeah... wearing shorts was a good idea... it got even... even bigger...?" One part of Marine was content that the shorts had managed to contain some of those globular cheeks, while the other was horrified with how wide her ass had gotten. The bubble butt she — faintly — remembered having had seemingly burst, leaving a full moon of blubber in its place, cellulite coating the area where it started to fold a bit on itself and continuing all the way to the back of her thighs. She brought a hand to her rear, grabbing, squeezing a largely exposed cheek, hardly managing to gasp all that mass, meeting no resistance or musculature. It was like that shelf of an ass was built purely on fast food and lazing around, and not from years and years of dance practice and busy idol concerts.

It's so goddamn huge it's almost fun to touc— I m-mean, my phone, my phone!

Not minding the gait she sported while making the way to her phone, her elegant stroll seemingly an entire decade behind her, Marine grabbed her phone. It took a while for her to unlock the screen, appearing like she had changed the phone's model as well as its passwords countless times, making her a bit confused. That can't be, she thought, it's only been ten minutes since I... since I...

...what was I doing again...?

She scratched the tip of her gut that oozed past the waistband of her shorts, mindlessly kneading a handful of belly fat. Did I doze off after lunch...? No... I am even feeling a bit hungry right now, so... hmmm... The urgency from before seemed to be rapidly disappearing from Marine's system. In fact, a growl from her stretched stomach made her crave for some takeout so she could laze out on the couch while watching anime...

Ahhh! The photo! The photo that would prove that I'm—

Screen finally unlocked, the black screen became lighter and revealed the aforementioned selfie.

"—that I'm not as fat as I thought I was~~ I mean, guys like a woman with some heft, no...~?" Marine cackled at her recently taken selfie, her subtle double chin and her gut joining in the motion. "I can even afford to let loose during beach time with the ladies!"

She quickly opened the chat app on the phone and tapped the group with her friends Fubuki, Mio and Flare. She forwarded her selfie there and pressed “send”. It didn’t take long for everyone to reply.

Big God Mio:
Someone is excited for the weekend lol

Fox Friend:
I still need to buy a new one-piece, don’t think I can even fit my tail in the ones I have at home

Let’s buy one together, then. The place where Marine got hers is close to the food court. Their french fries are simply divine

Fox Friend:
Elves and french fries, ehhh… isn't that forbidden love!?

Incorrect. I ignored them for so long and now they’re all I think of… besides, no one makes fun of you and your hamburger addiction!

Marine joined in the conversation, beaming up at the little red hearts her friends added to the picture she sent. Everything felt like it was falling into place. She was still feeling a bit confused, but she was probably just under the weather. She wasn’t young anymore, after all. Although with the constant growling of her stomach, she was probably just starving, something that all those mentions of junk food in the messages sure didn’t help.

Captain Marine:
Even though I bought mine already, I wanna join too. My thigh strap burst w w w

Big God Mio:
Those shorts look tight, too, but I have a feeling you would want them to tear while at the beach!

Captain Marine:
Awww, you girls know me too well!

Fox Friend:
We’ve been together since forever, of course we’re used to your fat ass!

That message right there seemed to bring Marine back to that prior state where things didn’t seem correct, as if a single thread inside her brain refused to accept the current events unfolding before her slightly tired eyes. She re-read the text messages and was honestly shocked at their content. At her friends’ profile pictures — they were still the same, but older and much, much fatter than she remembered them all being. Weren’t we getting ready for an idol festival…? What’s this talk about going to the beach!? And why is everyone okay with being… being so huge!?

She typed something before her thoughts got scrambled again.

Captain Marine:
GIRLS. What is happening? We are idols, not pigs! This is a nightmare!

There was a brief minute of no incoming messages which for a Marine absolutely freaking out felt like more like an eternity.

Fat Fox Friend:
Okay… Marine, just how hungover are you? :p

We WERE idols… back in 20XX…

Big Hog Mio:
And now we just enjoy the good things in life while helping the newer generation of idols! It keeps us young, dontcha think?

“This…” Reading those messages, Marine connected the dots. “This…!” She finally found the answer!

Captain Fatass:
Oooops, guess not going for seconds at lunch got Senchou here a bit confused!

Big Hog Mio:
I say you’re still confused if you're stopping at the second round~!

Fat Fox Friend:
Hey, all this talk

Fubuki didn't even need to send the rest of the message, the remaining foodie friends quickly getting the idea.

Big Hog Mio:
Yup, same here, I just ate but I already wanna go for more

Fat Fox Friend:
So, yakiniku in 15 minutes?

Captain Fatass:
Sushi later of course

All of that and a place with a vast array of french fries, pretty please.

Getting dressed was a bit of a hassle for Marine. Her wardrobe was filled with stretchy pants that wouldn’t be out of place for the dance lessons she partaken weekly almost a decade ago, but now she only wore them for comfort… and because they were one of the few things that still fit her, even at their very large sizes. Peeling herself out of those shorts made her break into a sweat, but luckily her custom-made bra closed at the front. She didn’t miss fighting with her back rolls trying to hook them at all.

Inside the taxi cab she called, catching her breath from the small flight of stairs inside her apartment building that seemed to get bigger by the week, Marine exchanged a few more messages with her friends, smiling contently. She looked back at their photographs together. Yeah, they had a few wrinkles here and there, yes, her and Mio were showing their first signs of gray hair… but the laugh lines didn’t bother her as much as they once did, when she was obsessed with being young. They were marks that she was living her best life.


This picture of our last time at the beach already feels like forever ago~ Mio’s knees are still visible, Fubuki only had two chins, you could sorta tell some sort of shape in Flare’s arms amidst all those rolls… and as for me…

Marine analyzed her figure from the previous Summer. She could almost physically feel the tightness of the bikini bottom she wore to the beach on the day that group photo was taken — it was the last time she tried squeezing herself into one, becoming a full adept of Mio’s “no panties in bed” lifestyle soon after but taking it to a new level. Arms that once held microphones and waved athletically on a stage were now drooping bags of blubber meant for little more than typing at the keyboard at the office and cracking open beers. Her face got rounder, puffier. Her chest had continued to lose the fierce battle against gravity, growing sizable pockets of fat underneath them, suffocated by the straps of a bikini top she had since outgrown twice. Her hips were enormous, even if Mio and Fubuki made her feel a bit small in comparison. Her ass, seen even from the front in the picture, was only slightly bigger nowadays. It couldn’t grow that much anymore… or so she hoped. She was filling the back of the taxi cab with ease. Marine was very used to knocking things over with her rear, not to mention the astonishing number of office chairs she had demolished, but to think she was taking that much space all by herself… she still find it troublesome, but the way her thighs and ass spread over the taxi's seats also felt… arousing.

Heh… no matter how much time passes… I can still pass as someone not a day over 17, right…~? She grunted as she adjusted her pants over her buttcrack with one hand while the other tugged her shirt downwards, but there was no hiding the large amount of stomach pudge escaping the part where her clothing couldn't possibly meet anymore. My charm points just got bigger, is all~ She thought about the upcoming summer and how she was going to be able to showcase all of her charm and more at the beach. I bet I can make Same-chan disappear underneath me…~ As a former idol, Marine had an eye for talent, and an even bigger insight on who was the most fun to tease with. She was huge last Summer, but that was before another full year of sitting on her ass and overindulging. She was looking forward to having another picture taken of herself, already imagining how much more of her there would be with yet another twelve months down the line.

Marine may not look very young anymore, but as she was driven to another food tour together with her best friends, she couldn't help but feel that way.

Pub: 28 Mar 2024 00:31 UTC
Views: 700