Aubrey, Basil and Kel find Sunny's dream journal (where he has been writing all of his weird dream adventures) and they start reading it while Sunny is in the bathroom, unaware.

Sunny had invited his friends over to his new house. It was a nice apartment on the 2nd floor. Sunny excused himself before heading towards his bathroom. While he was gone, the others looked around his room. Kel eventually came across Sunny's jurnal. "Hey, check this out!" said Kel as he motioned others to look at what he'd found. "Is that Sunny's jurnal?" Said Aubrey before opening it and beginning to read. "I don't think we should invade Sunny's privacy like this." Hero voiced. However, they didn't listen, too curious to know how their friend has been doing. As Aubrey, Basil and Kel read, they became more intrigued as well as confused.

We found out that Basil was being held captive by BOSS. After he turned Kel, Aubrey and Hero to toast, I almost shared the same fate. But I didn't succumb. After saving Basil, we visited his house.

"Wow. Guess Sunny's imagination was more wacky than mine." Kel said.

After fighting Captain Spaceboy, my friends and I got a ticked to Sweetheart's show.

"Sweetheart? Captain Spaceboy? Wait. Isn't that the space pirate you two read comics about?" Hero questioned. Kel rubbed the back of his head. "Yeah, I guess so."

After we defeated Sweetheart, something strange happened. I was in the Lost Library... it held memories of me and my friends... memories Omori had tried to erase... luckily it didn't come to that. I didn't know what would've happened if it did...

Basil's eyes became a tiny bit glossy at the mention of said memories.

Mari... she... she seemed so.... life-like. She said Sunny instead of Omori...

"Omori?" Asked Hero preplexed. "M-Maybe that's what he was called in the dream world?" Basil concluded.

When we finally beat Jawsum, I felt like we needed to explore some more. When we came upon Humphrey, he let us... step inside him.

"Wait. Step inside? As inside his mouth!? Gross!" Interjected Aubrey as Kel laughed.

I... I did it... I finally beat him... Omori... I forgave myself... I'm not even mad I lost an eye. It was a price to pay for my friends' happiness but a price I was willing to pay for. And if given the choice, I'd do it again... I love them... all of them. I love you, Mari. I miss you...

Tears laned on the paper as each member of the group shed them. Hearing the click from the door, Sunny entered. His movements ceased once his eye landed on his friends. They turned to him, tears rolling down each face as they stared at him. Dropping the jurnal, Aubrey rushed to him, wrapping her arms around him. Sunny stood there, stunned. Kel soon joined them. Then Basil. Then Hero. They all hugged the confused Sunny as they cried. They were so glad they're all together again.

Pub: 26 Feb 2022 21:20 UTC
Views: 610