Come sit next to me! I'll tell you more So... what do you wanna know?

LIKES / INTERESTS :: porcelain dolls, vintage toys, sewing, gore art, horror, writing, Metal Family, MLP, FNAF, rentry, vampires, Christian Fundamentalism [special interest], fishkeeping [special interest], mlm industry, thrift stores, 2000s web design, flash player games, cannibalism

DISLIKES :: annoying people, attention seeking behavior, venting w/o asking, endos/supporters, against self diagnosis [feel free to send us all money and new parents in order to get diagnosed! /sarc]

MUSIC :: honestly a little bit of everything! Check out my playlists, 01 .. 02

What's next? I wanna go back .. basement .. garden

Pub: 16 Feb 2023 04:12 UTC
Edit: 16 Feb 2023 04:33 UTC
Views: 368