extra stuff about me g


musician. saxophone, piano and guitar. basic idea on drums and violin. Talk to me about your favourite music! f writer. roleplaying, fics, stories, world building and more. f artist. close friends can see my art. f Photography and film. I love to dissect media and focus on the little details. g

I'm usually a dry texter. I use proper grammer all the time. I'm not uninterested or mean, i promise, it's just the way i type. I love animals :) Minecraft. Minecraft. Talk to me about mc. I love horror. Movies, games, stories, and everything in between. fg Urban explorer. I love to wander abandoned buildings.

instagram ; snuffbur.


Pub: 19 Nov 2022 10:04 UTC
Edit: 18 Feb 2023 13:26 UTC
Views: 233