The difference between free and paid WordPress plugins
In general, plugins are divided into two categories, free and paid. Many users do not know whether to use free plugins or paid? In the following, we will explain the difference between free and paid Persian and English WordPress plugins.

Free plugin:

The biggest source of free plugins you can use is the WordPress repository. WordPress repository has all the free plugins that users can easily install and activate from their admin dashboard. The list of WordPress plugins is more than 50,000 plugins, each of which is used to somehow boost a site's SEO, create contact forms, install galleries, display slides for images, optimize website images, and more. .

Premium and paid plugins:

Paid extensions are not available to you for free and you have to pay for them. You can buy original and professional WordPress plugin from a variety of reputable websites. The price of premium plugins varies depending on the type of plugin. Paid plugins definitely have more features than free plugins such as: continuous support, constant updates and…

Here are the main differences between free and paid plugins.

1- Customization

WordPress site owners who want to apply all kinds of customizations to their template must use paid plugins. Premium WordPress plugins allow webmasters to easily make any changes to their website. Premium plugins have more features and capabilities for WordPress sites, while not in free plugins. With most free plugins you will not be able to create any customizations in the plugin settings. So if you want to make special settings on every detail of your website, never go for free WordPress plugins.

2- Support

Another major difference between free and paid plugins is support. Free plugins have no support and you can not easily communicate with the developers of that plugin. It is very easy to say that no one will respond to you by downloading a Persian or English WordPress plugin that has not been purchased. In contrast, premium and paid plugins have extensive support. By purchasing a paid WordPress plugin, you can get 6 months or permanent support from the developer of that plugin, which can be very attractive.

After purchasing the plugin, if you encounter any problems, you can easily contact the manufacturer through various methods such as: ticket, email, and تا to solve your problem, while this is not the case with free plugins. .

3- Security

Free plugins are not constantly updated, so they can damage your website over time. Free plugins can make your website vulnerable to hackers. In contrast, premium plugins are not like that. Paid plugins have a very high level of security. One of the reasons why paid plugins are so secure is that they are constantly updated.

4- Features and characteristics

In free plugins you do not encounter many features and possibilities. Many free plugins do not completely meet your needs. Therefore, in order to benefit from more features and characteristics, you must use the professional version of the plugin.

5- Performance speed

Many free plugins do not have standard coding, which slows down your website performance. Paid plugins clearly have higher performance and speed, which can affect the SEO of your website.


Pub: 24 Apr 2022 15:10 UTC
Views: 23