radqueer archive !! :D
> this is an archive of all radqueer/etc (transid, para, etc) terms i see, hopefully it can be helpful ^_^ !! /gen
> (no, this isnt satire /srs)
> (i reclaim the word "problematic" btw !! its used a couple times here, jsyk /gen)
> if u see any errors/typos/etc, pls let me know !! /gen nf
> it will include: any/all transid (except most transgender/xenogender because they have their own wikis/etc), any/all paras, any/all proship/truther related terms, any/all dsmp/dream smp related terms (because its problematic and also because i want to lol /lh), any/all radqueer-related genders, most otherwise problematic genders, any/all allions, any/all MUDs (Medically Unrecognized Disorders), otherkin/kinnie terms, etc etc
(if youre not sure, ask !! ^_^ answer will probs be yes /gen lh)
> (this is run by the crayonzšļø && kandiš smp !! u can find us at @clemmieeeagain on tumblr ^_^ if u have any terms u would like to submit, plz send an ask there !! /gen)
> now .. on to the archive !! X3
(last updated: 24 jan 2023)
u can see all the categories here:
- primary terms !!
- misc transid !!
- transpersonality !!!
- transweight !!
- permahigh !!
- queer stances !!
- transblood !!!
- trasreligious/transfaith !!!
- otherkin/kinnie terms !!
- worldixure umbrella !!
- neurosian/transND !!
- transorganum/transorgans !!!!
- problematic genders !! (/pos)
- transfamily + relatian !!!
- MUDs !! (Medically Unrecognized Disorders)
- transabled !!
- xenani !!<3ā
- transage !!
- trace !!
- transspecies !!
- other problema-orientations !!
- transfashion/transaesthetic !!!
- transbody/-bodic/aldernic !!
- presentation/actian/etc !!
- dsmp/etc !!
- transopinion !!
- paras !!
- proship-related terms !!
- consang terms !!
- (trans)plural-related terms !!
- headcanon flags !!!
- ship flags !! uwu
- sites/resources !!
- misc !!
- vesility !!!!
- honorable mentions (random genders and stuff lol)
primary terms !!
transid | archive | black-exclusive flag
Transid short for Transidentify is an umbrella term for any individual who is some form of trans such as transabled, transage, transrace, transspecies, transgender, etc.
transabled | alt | "reclaimed" transabled | flag 2 | flag 3
misc transid !!
Transmallia :: when someone wishes to transition or desires to have a different hair type than their original. Ex : having straight hair but wanting curly hair.
when your zodiac fluctuates between two or more different zodiacs, can include your birth zodiac and other zodiacs.
when your birthday fluctuates between two or more birthdays. Can include your original birthday and more.
(aka: transconfidence)
internally identifying as having, or feeling as if uu were meant 2 have more/less confidence !! ^_^
a transid term for when someone identifies as having died and coming back to life/being brought back to life.
those who desire to be able to age regress or those that feel that they were/are supposed to be able to age regress
Also called: transclass or altclass
Definition: a transidentity where one wishes to to be in or believes they should have been in a different social class then the one they are currently in.
A transabled identity where one wishes to have/identifies as having heterochromia.
assigned stoner at birth
ASAB / Assigned Stoner At Birth ;;
For those who were assigned stoner at birth
TransFaeSpouse: an identity whereby one desires to be, or identifies as being, the spouse of a fae (faespouse).
TransAngelSpouse: an identity whereby one desires to be, or identifies as being, the spouse of an angel (angelspouse).
TransGodSpouse: an identity whereby one desires to be, or identifies as being, the spouse of a god (godspouse).
TransSpiritSpouse: an identity whereby one desires to be, or identifies as being, the spouse of a spirit (spiritspouse).
TransDemonSpouse: an identity whereby one desires to be, or identifies as being, the spouse of a demon (demonspouse).
TransYokaiSpouse: an identity whereby one desires to be, or identifies as being, the spouse of a yokai (yokaispouse).
Transproxy: an identity whereby one identifies as a proxy.
transpersonality !!!
transbrat !!
āļø ;; a transid/transpersonality term where uu internally identify as being, or feel as if uu were meant to be a brat/bratty !!
transweight !!
a transweight identity in which one identifies with or feels like they were supposed to weigh more then they currently do.
a transweight identity in which one identifies with or feels like they were supposed to weigh less then they currently do.
permahigh !!
Permahigh is a term for a person who is or wants to be constantly high
A term for people who are permahigh on caffeine
A term for simeone who is permahigh due to being neurodivergent
A permahigh sub-label for those who want to be or are permanantly high on Benadryl
PERMA - TRANS - PSychosis - sHROoms - HIIGH
A term for someone who wants to be or is permananty high on shrooms because of / for their trans psychosis
When one is permahigh due to their autism
When one is permahigh due to their mania
A term for those who are permahigh due to hypnosis or for hypnosis reasons
A permahigh term for those pernahigh on LSD
Duahighix is a term for those who desire to be permahigh / are transpermahigh but have a fear of being permahigh as they are unsure how to balance life and responsibilities with their loss of sobriety
A term for people who are permanently drunk
A permahigh sub-label for those who are or want to be permanently high/drowsy from Zzzquil / Nyquil
A term for those who are thembos and permanently high
A term for those who are himbos and permanently high
A term for bimbos who are permanently high
A term for people who are fluid in their permahighness
A term for those who are fluid between being cis and trans permahigh
CisPermaHigh is a term for people who are already / naturally permanently high
TransPermaHigh is a term for those who wish to be, or are transitioning into being permanently high
A permahigh sub-label for those who are permanently high on lean
queer stances !!
(this includes anti-radqueer stances because. why not lol /lh)
trutherqueer !!!
āļø ;; a radqueer sublabel/stance thingy !!
trutherqueers support:
š ;; (truthers) (beings who headcanon real beings/real people)
š ;; irl shipping (and are at least neutral abt (poppytwt))
š ;; problematic media enjoyers
š ;; proship/profic
š ;; identifying as whatever you want (yes even if its "harmful" or "bad faith")
š ;; all paraphilias, yes even the big three (pro-contact & pro-consent)
š ;; all consensual relationships (age gap, incest/consang, etc)
š ;; equality for beings of all ages
š ;; anti-capitalism (however you express this)
š ;; (medpunk) (being able to aquire disabilities/disorders/etc if you want)
š ;; "do whatever you want for things that only directly affect you"
š ;; all transid (transabled, transage, trace, etc etc)
š» ;; emoji code is šš !!
radinclus + some radinclus flags
Radical Inclusivity
I was asked for a post explaining radical inclusionism but I was unable to find one so I'm making one myself.
Radical inclusionism, often shortened to radinclus, is an ideology in which one is inclusive and accepting of all good faith identities. This is typically in regards to MOGAI and should not be assumed to encompass anything else, but each individual can use it to cover whatever they want.
Radical inclusion ALWAYS covers:
- M-Spec lesbians, non-binary lesbians and male lesbians, including AMAB male lesbians
- M-spec vincians, non-binary vincians and female vincians, including AFAB female vincians
- ALL xenogenders
- ALL MOGAI genders, sexualities and microlabels
Termhoarders of all kinds - PERSONAL definitions that exclude others and refrainment of forcing open definitions onto others (ex: vincian as NWLNW or lesbian as WLEW)- AMAB trans men, AFAB trans women, AMAB cis women and AFAB cis men
- "It is not my job to declare the existence or validity of another person's identity"
- "Only the individual truly knows and understands the complexity of their identity enough to label it"
- "Labels are for personal use and assignment only"
Radical inclusion NEVER covers:
Radical inclusion CAN cover: - "Labels and identities CANNOT be problematic in and of themselves; identities only become problematic when they are used in problematic ways"
- Genuine identification with troll terms such as super straight
- Reclaiming exclusionist flags and identities
- Transx identities such as transage, transracial, transabled, transheight, transweight etc.- Endogenic, non-traumagenic and non-disordered systems- Acceptance and understanding of personality disorders, cluster B disorders and other stigmatized disorders- Proship/Comship/Radship/Profic- Radical acceptance of ALL paraphilias- Radical acceptance of ALL otherkin, alterhuman and alterfolk experiences and identities, including kinnies, KFF, factkin, p-shifters and IRL's/DA's- etc.
However, not all radical inclusionists use the term radinclus for these things, and not all radical inclusionists do support these things (even going as far as creating "critical inclusionism" to make sure people don't think they support proshippers) so it should NOT be assumed that any of these things are automatically included by all radical inclusionists.
Anarchoradqueer (radqueer anarchism) :: an ideology that supports anarchism and liberation as a form of radical queer freedom and the abolition of all hierarchies and prejudice thoughts against transid individuals, people with paras, queer individuals, and any and all people.
an identity with the belief that anyone can be a better person no matter what and encourages giving those who want to be the space and support to do so, including ex abusers, ex antis, ex bigots, etc etc
pro transid, pro selfdx, pro consang, profiction, pro endo, pro bodily autonomy, pro paraphilia
pazqueer is a label similar to hazardqueer and critinclus, but it promotes a peaceful approach towards acceptance all identities!
This term is pro:
Contradicting queer labels of all kinds (mspec lesbians, lesboys, gaybians etc.)
Plurality of any kind/origin. Traumagenic plurals, DID systems, non-traumagenic systems, etc.
All kin and alterhuman identities including, non-humans, godshards, songkin, heartype, therians, etc.
Religion and all religious paths, including all witch practices and other spiritual paths.
Pro choice.
Kindness, understanding, patience, and compassion for others and the world around you.
Acab, BLM, queer rights, womenās rights, etc.
Saving and caring for the earth, and giving back to the people around you in need.
Non-contact paraphiles for non consenting paraphilias
This term is anti:
(Non consensual) physical and/or mental harm.
Bullying, harassment, sui baiting, witch hunting, etc.
Terfs, transmeds and truscum
Transids and radqueers
All forms of racism, bigatory, and ableism. This includes, ageism, classism, fatphobia (body type phobia in general), etc.
A X-queer sub-label of Radqueer!
Weedqueer focuses on not caring about how other people live their lives or how they're different or similar. That as long as the "vibe" is good and no harm is being done then there is no reason to police someones identity.
"Everyone Vibes In Their Own Way" Weedqueer motto
transblood !!!
Alternately: transhotchocolateblood
Hotchocamiac/Hotchocamian: a transblood/transamia (specifically xenoblood/xenoamia) identity whereby someone desires to have or identifies as having hot chocolate as their blood.
trasreligious/transfaith !!!
those who feel they should be part of a religious practice or faith that they are not.
TransHindu: a transreligious/transfaith identity whereby one desires to be of the Hindu faith or identifies as being part of the Hindu faith despite not being so, and/or identifies as being part of a Hindu family despite not being so.
Synfaith: a transfaith identity where one does not actively partake in a faith because of religious trauma and/or already having oneās own set of beliefs separate from the faith, but still feel extremely connected to the transfaith identity.
TransJewish: a transreligious/transfaith and/or transethnic/diaethnic identity whereby one desires to be of Jewish heritage or identifies as being of Jewish heritage but has no known Jewish heritage, and/or desires to be of the Jewish faith or identifies as being part of the Jewish faith despite not being so.
a transreligious/transfaith identity whereby one desires to be of the Pop Culture Pagan faith or identifies as being part of the Pop Culture Pagan faith despite not being so, and/or identifies as being part of a Pop Culture Pagan family despite not being so.
a transreligious/transfaith identity whereby one desires to be of the Evergreen Pagan faith or identifies as being part of the Evergreen Pagan faith despite not being so, and/or identifies as being part of an Evergreen Pagan family despite not being so.
For more information on the Evergreen Pagan faith, please go here.
a transreligious/transfaith identity whereby one desires to be of the Hellenic Pagan faith or identifies as being part of the Hellenic Pagan faith despite not being so, and/or identifies as being part of a Hellenic Pagan family despite not being so.
TransNorse Pagan: a transreligious/transfaith identity whereby one desires to be of the Norse Pagan faith or identifies as being part of the Norse Pagan faith despite not being so, and/or identifies as being part of a Norse Pagan family despite not being so.
otherkin/kinnie terms !!
raccoon kin flags
A flag for [1] otherkin / [2] therians who are raccoons or raccoon-like in any way shape or form.
Factionkin is a kintype that blurs the lines between fiction and factkin such as fictional depections of real people or youtube personas or other simlar concepts.
worldixure umbrella !!
ā desiring to live in the world of my hero academia
a worldixure term in which one identifies with being / desires to be from roblox/a robloxian!
a transid term that could be considered to be under transnationality where you identify with being / desire to be from another world . this can include fictional worlds , real worlds (like other planets) , worlds from alternate realities , etc !
a worldixure term for when you come from a world where humans didnāt evolve, and instead society formed around anthropomorphic animals.
a worldixure term for when you are from stardew valley, or feel like you should be from stardew valley. this can be for pelican town, the farm, calico desert, or anywhere else!
neurosian/transND !!
Hyperautistic or hypersexautistic is where your (trans)autism and your hypersexuality are connected or influence each other in some way. This is inclusive of transhypersexuals.
Ā· When you feel your transautistic identity is related to the sky.
ā¢ When you feel you should become an autistic sky.
Ā· When you feel you should become autistic but in a sky way.
ā¢ When you feel you should become a sky but in an autistic way.
a xenautistic identity under the skyautistic umbrella where your (trans)autism is influenced by/connected to the daytime sky.
a subset of skyautistic where your (trans)autistic identity is connected to/influenced by the night sky.
Xenautism (or xenoautism) is a form of transautism describing:
ā¢ the feeling you should become autistic but in a non-human way.
ā¢ feeling that your transautistic identitity is related to non-human things.
A transabled person who uses neurogenders related to their desired neurodivervency. E.g a transautistic person who uses to term autigender.
a (trans)autistic identity where youāre fluid between different xenautistic identities! For example, someone might be catautistic, and then pupautistic, and then back to catautistic!
a xenautistic identity where your (trans)autism is influenced/described/affected by chocolate in some way!
a xenADHD identity where your (trans)ADHD identity can be described using neon aesthetics!
XenADHD or xenoADHD is an identity where oneās (trans)ADHD identity canāt be fully described using normal/human concepts of (trans)ADHD and instead can be described using animals, aesthetics, colors, etc.
transorganum/transorgans !!!!
a transorganum identity for those who identify as having, wish to have, or feel like they should have no bones!
problematic genders !! (/pos)
(some of these arent problematic i know but they Go Here ok because i say so- /lh /hj)
Phantomtailic is a gender connected to the feeling of having a phantom tail
Phantomcattailic is a gender connected to the feeling of having a phantom cat tail
a xenogender related to being a yandere and a shota, or can only be described by yandere and shota.
being a girlboy/boygirl in a gendersoft way ^_^
see also> girlsoft && boysoft
a gender related to shotas and gore, a gender that feels like a shota covered in gore, or a gender that is a shota who is the subject of gore.
a gender related to lolis and gore, a gender that feels like a loli covered in gore, or a gender that is a loli who is the subject of gore.
a gender related to cronas and gore, a gender that feels like a crona covered in gore, or a gender that is a crona who is the subject of gore.
a gender that is MIN and connected / influenced by feeling feminine while being around others that youād deem ābrotherlyā even if not actual brothers~!
A gender relating to yanderes and borderline personality disorder, being a yandere and having BPD, or the reclamation of the word yandere relating to your BPD. Not exclusive to people diagnosed with cisBPD, can and should be used by self-dx and transBPD people. Also not necessarily related to one's BPD, could be to BPD in general. Not exclusively fem-aligned.
transtrender flags
TRENDERPUNK: a subculture surrounded around trans self-love, self-acceptance, punk aesthetics, social justice, and identifying with the term ātrenderā / ātranstrenderā. ā¹ āŗ
TRENDERCORE: a subculture surrounded around trans self-love, self-acceptance, bright colored aesthetics, social justice, and identifying with the term ātrenderā / ātranstrenderā. ā¹ āŗ
TRENDERSOFT: a subculture surrounded around trans self-love, self-acceptance, soft/pastel aesthetics, social justice, and identifying with the term ātrenderā / ātranstrenderā. ā¹ āŗ
transfamily + relatian !!!
transfamily .. !!
(aka: Ŕeimosian)
internally identifying as having, or feeling as if you were meant to have a different family than u currently have ^_^
etymology> "Ŕeimos" from lithuanian, meaning family + -ian
Relatian is a term that falls under the transid umbrella where you feel like you were meant to be related to different people, weren't meant to be related to the people you are now, etc. This could be due to being otherkin, therian, fictionkin, plural, neurodivergent, adopted, or for any other reason!
Parelatian - Feeling as if you were meant to have different, more, or less parents than you do now
Feeling as if you were meant to have different, more, or less fathers than you do now
Mothelatian Feeling as if you were meant to have different, more, or less mothers than you do now
Enbiparelatian Feeling as if you were meant to have different, more, or less non-binary parents than you do now
Siblatian Feeling as if you were meant to have different, more, or less siblings than you do now
Feeling as if you were meant to have different, more, or less brothers than you do now
Sistelatian Feeling as if you were meant to have different, more, or less sisters than you do now
Ensiblatian Feeling as if you were meant to have different, more, or less non-binary siblings than you do now
Cousilatian Feeling as if you were meant to have different, more, or less cousins than you do now
A transfamily identity for person who identifies as or wants to be a mother despite not being one(or not being one by sociatal standards).
A transfamily identity for person who identifies as or wants to be a father despite not being one(or not being one by sociatal standards).
A transfamily identity for person who identifies as or wants to be a parent despite not being one(or not being one by sociatal standards). Hyphen added to differentate it from transparent meaning a see-through material.
MUDs !! (Medically Unrecognized Disorders)
rapid memory fragmentation
so idk if ive just got an unholy combo of ADHD and PTSD but my memory sucks So Bad in a way that i have a hard time describing to other people so i figured hey why not make a flag for it LMAO
Unstable-Obsessional Relational Disorder (UORD)
A medically unrecognized disorder characterized by instability and obsessiveness in interpersonal relationships. It may present with BPD-like splitting, controlling tendencies, dependency, and/or feelings of superiority. It may or may not be preceeded by a traumatic event.
hypervares | flag
Hypervares: A medically unrecognized disorder characterized by high body weight, negative body image, fear of losing weight, and an obsession with being / overpowering desire to be fat.
avoidance of exercise (with intention to gain weight)
binge eating or overeating (with the intention to gain weight)
distress when losing weight, even slightly
frequently weighing or measuring the body (due to fear of weight loss)
never feeling like enough weight has been gained
negative body image
frequent thoughts about an āidealā appearance
Psychological: body dissatisfaction, low self esteem
Environmental and social: pressure to have a fatter body, cultural influence
Comorbidities: BPD, autism, anxiety, depression, joint or back pain, mood disorders
May be updated as I uncover more about my own hypervares.
transabled !!
ā identifying with, or wanting to have an addiction, or be an addict
ā identifying with, or wanting to be a video game addict, or be addicted to video games
ā identifying with, or wanting to be a coffee addict, or be addicted to coffee
ā identifying with, or wanting to be a smoking addict, or be addicted to smoking
ā identifying with, or wanting to be a vaping addict, or be addicted to vaping
Covetabled: a transabled term where one likes the idea of having one or more (mental or physical) disability but doesnāt actually want to have it.
transdyslexia/transdyslexic !!!
a transabled id where you feel like you should aquire dyslexia,, or internally feel as if you have it ..!!
the colours just. dyslexia. yah. synaesthesia go brr lol š /pos
internally identifying as having, or feeling as if you were meant to have rapid memory fragmentation ^_^
I made this flag so I could coin a term possibly called transdelusional or transdelusion(s)! Hereās a general definition for it: A transidentity for when you desire to have a delusion (or delusions) of some sort, or when you feel/believe like you should have a delusion (or delusions) of some sort (or anyone else can also use this term if they feel it fits their experience, even if it doesnāt fit this definition!)
when one feels they have, should have, or want to have pica!
Sonblurren (also called songblurren) is a transabled identity affected or influenced by music and songs causing one to want worse and/or blurrier vision.
transBPD // second coining
Wanting to acquire BPD / Borderline Personality Disorder. Feeling as if you should have BPD.
// when one wishes to acquire or feels like they were supposed to have BPD.
Someone who wants a phobia of theirs to be more or less severe.
desiring or identifying as having an absence of red pigmentation in the skin.
desiring or identifying as having an absence of yellow pigmentation in the skin.
an identity for those that know they are transabled but may not know specifically what they desire to transition to, or desire to transition to multiple things.
Other definitions ::
ā when oneās transabled identity is related to them being queer
Cyborgian/Cyborgtrix :: a transabled identity relating to wanting to become a cyborg by getting rid of human parts (ex - an arm, leg, eye, etc.) and replacing them with artificial/mechanical parts.
feeling as if uu should have to mask to fit in with allistics, despite fitting in anyway
feeling as if uu should feel uncomfortable with eye contact, or not make eye contact very much (because its uncomfortable)
feeling as if uu should be someone who stims/need to stim to express/regulate uur emotions
wanting to be perceived/pass as autistic, or be assumed to be autistic on sight
transPOTS, when someone wants to develop POTS, wants their POTS to be more/less impairing, doesnt want it at all, etc.!
transOLD, when someone desires to develop obsessive love disorder, wants their obsessive love disorder to be more/less severe, etc!
im pretty sure this was made before, but a friend of mine asked me to make a flag with purple/magenta/red colors!
to put it simply , OLD (obsessive love disorder) is a disorder where one feels overwhelmingly obsessed with someone close to them :> symptoms may include high levels of jealousy , a constant need for reassurance , and feeling the need to constantly monitor and control another purrson B)
when oneās transabled identity is partially or wholly influenced by their partners disabilities, mental conditions, etc. or is influenced by their partners transabled identity.
a transabled identity which is connected to someoneās kintype (ex :: someone whoās fictionkin kinning someone who is mute and identifies transmute because of that).
xenani !!<3ā
xenani // more explanation
xenani !!!
. identifying as being someone that you werent assigned-at-birth !! (e.g. identifying as a certian youtuber, or a certian character)
. because of how broad it is, this covers otherkin/kinnies, introjects/fictives/factives, irls/DAs, etc etc, and can be used as an umbrella term for them !! could also be for if you know you fit the above definiton, but dont know exactly how !!ć½(ļ¼>ā<)ļ¾
. coined by clemmie !! (it coined this on itz old blog @/ghostie-transid-uwu, but the definition was kinda hard to understand, so.. here it is again !! :D)
. (etym: āxenā from greek āxĆ©nosā + āaniā from welsh āhunaniaethā meaning identity !!)
// xenani is identifying as "someone else" or "someone youre not" except thats who u actually are !! e.g. being a character from a show an beings would think u arent from that show, even though u are, if that makes sense .? /gen lh
(a xenani id then, would specify who u specifically identify as !!)
tommyinnitani // first coining
tommyinnitani !!!
a xenani id where you feel as if you are tommyinnit in some way. (or a version of them)
coined by clemmie !! (it coined tommyinnitani on itz @/clemmieeebear blog but these go together so,, posting it again !!)
transfem!tommyinnitani/cleminnitani !!
a xenani id where you feel as if you are cleminnit/transfem tommyinnit in some way. (or a version of them)
transage !!
internally identifying as being, or feeling as if uu were meant 2 be a shota ^_^
internally identifying as being, or feeling as if uu were meant 2 be a loli ^_^
internally identifying as being, or feeling as if uu were meant 2 be a crona ^_^
An age that is childish/child coded and connected to the game Minecraft.
an age that may or may not match your chrono age, and even if it does it doesnāt feel like your chrono age and is therefor different
Other definitions ::
ā when oneās age is related to their queer identity
ā when oneās age is hard to understand and label, sometimes feels off, or is perceived as āweirdā by others or the identifier
ā when oneās age has started to feel slightly different from their chrono age (wether this be a bit younger, a bit older, or etc.)
when you age is partially or wholly influenced by your partners age or transage identity.
trace !!
a trace identity in which someone identifies partially or wholly as their partners race, or identifies as the same trace identity as their partner.
Navien (also called Transnavi) :: when one identifies as/is trace to Navi
Further explanation :: the Navi people of Pandora are a race created by James Cameron for the movie Avatar (2009) and itās upcoming sequel. As the Navi are a fictional race of extraterrestrial humanoids this identity could be considered both trace or trans-species depending on how the identifier may use it.
New Fictional race
I made this as fanon for tpn!
Race name: Hopevian
Continent: Hopevia
Backstory: after the over a thousand years of selective breeding at farms, demons created Hopevians, for their intellect capabilities, physical capabilities, and taste.
Source; The promised Neverland
Canon or fanon; fannon
an identity for trace individuals who identify as something other than their born race but canāt quite place what race they are trans- to.
Other definitions ::
ā can be used as an overall term for trace individuals if they do not wish to use transracial, trace, diaracial, etc. in that case it simply means identifying as something other than their born race.
A trace/transrace identity where you identify as Korean, while not being bodily Korean.
A trace/transrace identity where the user doesn't really identify as any given race, due to not being able to grasp the concept of race.
A trace/transrace adjacent identity where the user doesn't identify with either cisracial or transracial, and considers themself as being removed from the cis/trans racial dichotomy.
Transnative/Transindigenous ā a trace identity in which someone identifies as Native American of any tribe. This label is not tribe specific and is generally used as an umbrella term for Transnative people!
a trace term describing oneās experience of identifying as pan-tribal (identifying with all Native American / indigenous tribes).
when oneās race seems to be ācoveredā in a layer of tv static distorting the identifiers perception of what race they may be. May also limit the identifiers view on their bio race therefor having a distant feeling from race entirely.
A trace/transrace term for when your race fluctuates depending on what your current hyperfixation/special interest is.
transspecies !!
a trans-species identity when someone identifies as/is the TBH creature!
// tbh/autism creature page on know your meme
Transneko :: when one is trans-species to being a catgirl/catboy/catperson. Also called Transkemono!
Demiaspecies :: An otherkin or transspecies identity where the user does not identify with any species, whether that's human or nonhuman, but slightly identifies with one or more species in some way. Their species may feel similar to a void, or just not there at all.
Other names :: Angelen, Transangelic, Transangel, Alterangel
Definition :: An alterhuman/transspecies identity where the user identifies as an angel, wishes to transition to become more angelic, and/or generally desires to be an angel.
- a transspecies term where you identify as a l0li species !
An alterhuman/transspecies identity where the user does not identify with any species, whether that's human or nonhuman. Their species may feel similar to a void, or just not there at all.
for when your (trans)species is āpolitical ideologyā like the characters from the web series Centricide
A transspecies identity where you identify as an animatronic, with inspiration coming from FNAF specifically!
a transspecies identity in which someone identifies partially or wholly as the same transspecies identity as their partner. (Ps if I got the flag in the middle wrong please inform me! Iām not sure what the appropriate whole transspecies flag is) - š„
other problema-orientations !!
Cupiolith and cupiofraylith flags! For when youāre both/all three identities.
Cupiolith and cupiofraylith flags! For when youāre both/all three identities.
+ Fraylith, cupiofray, dark cupiofray
panlescoric!! when someone identifies as pan but enjoys the lesbian aesthetic.
bilescoric, when someone identifies as bi but enjoys the lesbian aesthetic!
when someone identifies as straight but enjoys the lesbian aesthetic!
abrolescoric, when someone identifies as abro but enjoys the lesbian aesthetic!
can be used as mspec terms or not, whatever!:D
transfashion/transaesthetic !!!
(yah yall lets get it- falls flat on its face /j)
(aka> transpastelgoth)
a transaesthetic/transfashion id where uu internally identify as being, or feel as if uu were meant 2 be pastel goth ^_^
transbody/-bodic/aldernic !!
candygorebodic (also called candygoren) is a transbody identity where one identifies as having a body full of Candy gore if cut open/injured.
an aldernic/transbody identity where one desires to have, or identifies as having, a body that is floating.
Tapebodic is a transbody identity where someone wishes to acquire or identifies as having skin made of layers of tape (for ex : tape balls that have layers of thin tape that can be cut open to reveal multiple colour layers).
presentation/actian/etc !!
being equally (or close to equally) comfortable with both being able to see and not being able to see !!
dsmp/etc !!
(truther flags are in the "misc" category btw pspsps /lh)
transopinion !!
a (transopinion) id where uu feel as if uu were meant 2 be a (centrist), despite not currently being one/not agreeing with their views !!
paras !!
flag for šŗ's who date š§ø's !
traumaphile/traumaphilia // alt flag
Traumaphilia - attraction to trauma, physical or mental.
a term for when you're both a therian and a š¾. this can be used to show both identities in one go, to express how the two identities intersect, etc!
MaM // flags
A minor attracted minor (MAM) is exactly what it says. Minors that are attracted to minors.
Just because one is a minor it doesnāt mean they canāt identify as a MAP or a specific term under the umbrella. MMAPS (minor MAPS) exist.
for example a 15 year old can be exclusively attracted to 0-5 year olds, a 12 year old can be exclusively attracted to 16-17 year olds, a 14 year old can be exclusively attracted to 8-10 year olds, etc. etc. this would turn it into a ānon-normativeā attraction. then making it a paraphilia.
an objectum identity where one is attracted to solar eclipses, exclusively or not.
proship-related terms !!
shotacon loving shota, lolicon loving loli, and cronacon loving crona flags!
consang terms !!
anteconsang (also called preconsang) is a consang identity for those who had/were in consang relationships in their past lives.
(trans)plural-related terms !!
system introject wanting to have/transitioning to a new source. this can be entirely switching sources, or just acquiring a new one on top of the preexisting one(s).
being cisplural but feeling as if you should have been transplural or identifying as transplural while being cisplural
Also called: TransUSDD
Definition: a transabled term where one has, or wants to, transition into having UDD, wishes to acquire UDD, wishes ones UDD to be more or less impairing, etc. this may or maybe not be considered under the transdisoplural umberlla.
UDD/USDD stands for āUnspecified Dissociative Disorderā
Definition: a transabled term where one has, or wants to, transition into having OSDD-3, wishes to acquire OSDD-3, wishes ones OSDD-3 to be more or less impairing, etc.
OSDD-3 is a subtype of āOtherwise Specified Dissociative Disorderā
where most or all of oneās entire identity is fluix (fluid + flux) due to oneās plurality.
an identity where your transidentities are fluid due to being a system.
headcanon flags !!!
transfem cc!tommyinnit
!!! headcanon flag alert !!! /pos
āļø ;; this is a flag for beings who headcanon cc!tommyinnit as transfem !! :D
š ;; beings who have this headcanon might also identify as (truthers) !!
ship flags !! uwu
(ship flags bcUZ I SAY SO !!! /lh)
tombur ship flag
tombur ship flag !!!
āļø ;; a flag for beings who ship tombur, the (romantic/queerplatonic) ship between tommyinnit and wilbur soot !! (c! or cc!)
š ;; beings who have this ship might identify as (truthers) or be part of (poppytwt) !!
š ;; art credit: (ā”)
sites/resources !!
"Commonly Used Terms in the Radqueer Community" carrd
"A list of transplural resources for those who may need them!" google doc
trans_x subreddit // archive
misc !!
(its cool stuff i prommy /lh)
truther pride flags
a truther is someone who headcanons real beings/real people.
this term is most common in the dsmp (dream smp) fandom, so i made a seperate flag for dsmp truthers.
// emoji codes:
šāØ (dsmp truther)
šš or šš (general truther)
poppytwt pride flags
āļø ;; a flag for beings who are part of (poppytwt/poppyblr) !! (whether you like. interact with the poppytwt/poppyblr community or not doesnt matter, as long as you identify as being part of it !!)
āļø ;; a flag for beings who are pro-poppytwt/support it !!
hair ref help. yes
pixie hair cut hacks for people looking for reference images:
āpixie cutā and āgay pixie cutā will bring up different google results
// (click for pictures !!)
a vior term for when oneās behavior is related to, or like, that of a demon.
being not a he or a she, just sneaky ^_^
(doesnt have 2 be related 2 among us !!)
bazed on the lyric "he or she? so sneaky!" from (this video) !! :3
etymology: (nie) meaning "neither" in afrikaans + "sneak" + "-en" as a cool suffix ^_^
being cozyani, cozyvesi, cozy-omninoun, cozycoreani, cozycorevesi, && cozy/cozycore ..everything !! ^_^
see also> (omninoun) && (xenani) && (vesility) && (cozycoric)
eternal lovers
Eternal lovers :: a term for those that goes beyond being a soulmate, a twin flame, or soul bonded pair. Eternal lovers have been together in all their lives both past and present, and will continue to be with one another in the future.
Note :: do not take this label lightly, this is someone you feel a deep connection with and are spiritually and mentally connected to them in all ways possible. This label was personal for us and our ps but we agreed that it would be good to share incase someone else experiences the same!
The Eternal- label is used for those who know their love and relationship goes beyond the normal and even spiritual connections with their person/being/thing.
There is alternative versions of this! Eternal companion, eternal friend, eternal family, and etc. however I did not make flags for the alternatives, feel free to request if wanted.
soul bonded soulmates
Soulmates that can never leave Each other, they're soul bonded, through Bad through good, no matter extremes, they can't leave each other's sides. Reincarnation, afterlife, in this life. They can't leave each other's sides ever.
eternal family
Eternal family :: a term for those that goes beyond being a soulmate, a twin flame, or soul bonded pair. Eternal family have been together in all their lives both past and present, and will continue to be with one another in the future.
Note :: do not take this label lightly, this is someone you feel a deep connection with and are spiritually and mentally connected to them in all ways possible. This label was personal for us and our ps but we agreed that it would be good to share in case someone else experiences the same!
The Eternal- label is used for those who know their love and relationship goes beyond the normal and even spiritual connections with their person/being/thing.
There is alternative versions of this! Eternal companion, eternal friend, eternal lovers, and etc. however I did not make flags for all of the alternatives, feel free to request if wanted. (Eternal lovers is posted under the tag eternal lovers!)
when someone identifies as more or less mature than someone of their age (could be either their Chrono or identified age).
Flag meanings ::
First flag ā when someone identifies as less mature than their age
Second flag ā when someone identifies as more mature than their age
having paras and being a babe, could just be a general identity descriptor or fun label but can also be used as a gender label (like we use it)!
having paras and being a bitch, could just be a general identity descriptor or fun label but can also be used as a gender label (like we use it)!
having paras and being a bastard, could just be a general identity descriptor or fun label but can also be used as a gender label (like we use it)!
vesility !!!!
CatvesiāØ alt: Vesicat, Felivesi
A term under the vesility umbrella in which many or all parts of oneās identity are affected by cats, being a cat / cat-like, having a connection to cats, being catgender (etc.)
honorable mentions (random genders and stuff lol)
a gender in which you are a boy, a fool, an absolute buffoon and an all around jester
a gender that feels enhanced when expressing love in a soft way. this love can be romantic, platonic, alterous, or any other type(s), including self love. this would look different for all who use this term.
as an example, for me, being omniaspec (link), it might look like: my gender feels enhanced when i bring my mom tea, or when i tell my friend an awful pun and we cry laughing, or when i practice self care.
Being both cis- and trans- !
Common cistrans experiences:
being transsex and cisgendered or vise versa.
being transfem and a cisguy or vise versa.
being multigendered and one of those genders align are your agab.
being cis in headspace but being trans bodily or vise versa.
being raised as oneās true gender or having always identified as oneās true gender, so one feels they have both the cis and trans experience.
and so much more!
transfem cisboy
Being both transfeminine and a cisboy/guy/man/male.
Common transfem cisboy experiences:
Being on the ācuspā between being a gnc boy and a transfem boy.
Being trans-sex and a cisgendered guy.
Being mtm or an amab guy and with a feminine gender.
And lots more!
transmasc cisgirl
Being both transmasculine and a cisgirl/cisgal/ciswoman/cisfemale.
Common experiences:
Being on the ācuspā between being a gnc cisgirl and a transmasc girl.
Being trans-sex and a cisgendered girl.
Being ftf or an afab girl with a masculine gender.
And lots more!
Being on the cusp between being transfem and a gender non-conforming boy/man/guy/male.
1.) Identifying with your AGAB, which is AMAB, while viewing yourself as transitioning towards a masculine identity, having a primarily masculine identity, or presenting muscularly.
2.) Not identifying with your AGAB, and viewing your gender as being masculine, while being trans.
3.) Being fluid or both of these definitions.
adgender // alt definition // alt flag
Adgender: transitioning towards a genderness. Meant to be slightly more inclusive than ātransfemininityā and ātransmasculinityā.
To be used as admasculine, adfeminine and adneutral. Instead of transneutral, cisfeminine, cismasculine, cisneutral, transfeminine or transmasculine. For people not feeling included in trans- or cis-. Useful for demigender, polygender, intersex and genderfluid people.
admasculine: transitioning towards masculinity
adfeminine: transitioning towards femininity
these are meant to be slightly more inclusive than ātransmasculineā and ātransfeminineā. who wouldnāt feel included by trans-? why do we need ad-? iām glad you ask! here are some examples:
an afab bigender person who has been on t for a long time and now needs to do the same things as transfeminine people to pass on girl days would be transmasculine but adfeminine
a man in a system who has to dress up the body of his cis woman host when he fronts to feel himself would be admasculine
a trans woman would be adfeminine, because itās an umbrella term that transfeminine falls under
a cis man with kallmanās syndrome who chooses to take t might be admasculine
an afab nonbinary femme might call themselves adfeminine because they feel like theyāre transitioning into a different kind of femininity than the heteronormative role they were assigned at birth
a butch woman who transitions but wants to avoid the connotations of transmasculine might feel more comfortable calling herself admasculine
a woman in a system whoās transfeminine inworld but fronts into an afab body would be adfeminine
an intersex person who has undergone medical intervention but doesnāt consider themselves trans might talk about their experiences instead as an adgender person
adfeminine // alt flag
Adfemininity: a gender modality that refers to someone who moves towards a feminine identity.
adfemasc or admascfem: someone who is both adfeminine and admasculine.
adfeminine transmasculine pride flag
Adfeminine (adfem.): moving towards a feminine identity.
Transmasculine (transmasc.): transitioning to a masculine identity.
adfeminine transfeminine pride flag
Adfeminine (adfem): moving towards a feminine identity.
Transfeminine (transfem): transitioning to a feminine identity.
1.) Identifying with your AGAB, which is AFAB, while viewing yourself as transitioning towards a feminine identity, having a primarily feminine identity, or presenting femininely.
2.) Not identifying with your AGAB, and viewing your gender as being feminine, while being trans.
3.) Being fluid or both of these definitions.
Transtidal: A trans person who has a masculine or man related identity, is transitioning towards masculinity or manhood, etc., regardless of anything else about their identity. Can be shortened to transtid.
Someone who might want to use this label includesā¦
Those whose manhood or masculinity is distinctly trans, but do not identify with being a trans man or transmasculine.
Someone who is admasculine and/or sensmasculine, and who feel that this identity is also trans.
People who do not want their AGAB assumed; only that they are trans, and aligned with masculinity or manhood in some way. This includes transmasc and trans men who would rather not disclose being that identity for safety, comfort, or preference.
Identifying with your AGAB, while also feeling as though youāre transitioning towards it or have an identity surrounding it in a trans way (such as experiencing a different kind of masculinity or manhood.)
Nonbinary, genderqueer, etc. men or masculine people who want a blanket term for their trans identity, or who feel as though theyāre transitioning to manhood or masculinity in their own way.
Those who are reclaiming their manhood or masculinity that was formerly upsetting or wrong for them, and thus feel as though theyāre transitioning to it or only just realizing their manhood or masculine gender.
Someone who is simply trans and masculine and/or a man, and likes the term transtidal to describe that.
Plenty more!
Translunar: A trans person who has a feminine or woman related identity, is transitioning towards femininity or womanhood, etc., regardless of anything else about their identity.
Someone who might want to use this label includesā¦
Those whose womanhood or femininity is distinctly trans, but do not identify with being a trans woman or transfeminine.
Someone who is adfeminine and/or sensfeminine, and who feel that this identity is also trans.
People who do not want their AGAB assumed; only that they are trans, and aligned with femininity or womanhood in some way. This includes transfem and trans women who would rather not disclose being that identity for safety, comfort, or preference.
Identifying with your AGAB, while also feeling as though youāre transitioning towards it or have an identity surrounding it in a trans way (such as experiencing a different kind of femininity or womanhood.)
Nonbinary, genderqueer, etc. women or feminine people who want a blanket term for their trans identity, or who feel as though theyāre transitioning to womanhood or femininity in their own way.
Those who are reclaiming their womanhood or femininity that was formerly upsetting or wrong for them, and thus feel as though theyāre transitioning to it or only just realizing their womanhood or feminine gender.
Someone who is simply trans and feminine and/or a woman, and likes the term translunar to describe that.
Plenty more Iām sure Iām forgetting.
Transolar / Transsolar: A term for those who are masculine women / girls, those who are transitioning to masculine womanhood / girlhood, or something similar to that.
Other experiences that could fall under these terms:
Someone who is transitioning away from their AGAB, but is not changing their femininity / masculinity presentation at all, only their gender.
Masculine translunars and feminine transtidals (and similar groups)
Cisgender people who are also transsexual (identifying with or transitioning to a different sex while still identifying as their AGAB)
Trans people who are masculine women or feminine guys, and want to have a specific label that describes the experience
Much, much more!
Transfloral: A term for those who are feminine men / boys, those who are transitioning to feminine manhood / boyhood, or something similar to that.
Other experiences that could fall under these terms:
Someone who is transitioning away from their AGAB, but is not changing their femininity / masculinity presentation at all, only their gender.
Masculine translunars and feminine transtidals (and similar groups)
Cisgender people who are also transsexual (identifying with or transitioning to a different sex while still identifying as their AGAB)
Trans people who are masculine women or feminine guys, and want to have a specific label that describes the experience
Much, much more!
Sens- [when paired with an ending]: Relating to the trans(masc/fem/neutral/xeno) experience, but only sometimes, temporarily, or not completely. Examples could be people who are genderfluid (so would only be sens- during certain genders), people who are genderflux (similar to genderfluid), or who are bigender/otherwise polygender and only experience some part of the trans(masc/fem/etc) experience.
Theyāre kind of similar to the ad- terms, but not exactly. The ad- terms are linked here [link]. Please note that this is not my trying copy, replace, or steal those terms. These terms occupy very separate, yet similar, spaces.
Also just as an fyi, im nondysphoric trans friendly, and you donāt need dysphoria to use these terms (in fact tbh I can think of a lot of reasons nondysphoric trans people would like them, but Iām not gonna gatekeep either way)
OH alsoāanyone can use any of the terms; the terms donāt imply an assigned gender at birth.
Examples of who/why:
Someone who is genderfluid and may feel a connection to trans[blank] or ad[blank], but not for long periods of time/not permanently.
Someone who is genderless and feels that their transitioning has nothing to do with their gender, just with their presentation.
Or, really, anyone that feels their gender and how they want to transition doesnāt āmatch upā with how people perceive them.
Flags are as follows:
Sensmasculine (blue)
Sensfeminine (pink)
Sensmascfem (purple, for when youāre sensmasc and sensfem)
Sensneutral (yellow/orange)
Sensxeno/Sensother (green)