a line of rainbow music notes moving up and down.

An image of a web browser opened up to a photo of an anthro cat. The cat is light gray with long, black hair that has a pink side to it, in which has a pink heart shaped hairclip in it, aswell as one blue and one orange hairclip. The cat is also wearing a spiked collar, a simple black necklace, a green bow, and two white hair extensions. To the side of the cat, there is rainbow text reading "interests".

pixel art of a yellow cats paw with music notes coming out of it. INTERESTS!! a black swirly line with the pink outline of a heart at the end of it. things in BOLD are bigger interests ☆

pixel art of a green, 4 leaf clover shaped computer. FANDOMS!! pixel art of a red flower and a pink flower next to eachother. OSC, Roblox, TBDFE, OAG, Vocaloid, Pixel Petz, Needy Streamer Overload, Bugbo

a pink swirl spinning around. SONG ARTISTS!! a bunch of differently colored lines arranged in a rainbow order moving up and down. nelward, Vylet Pony, tv room, WeevilDoing, Penny Bank, bo en, glass beach, Vane Lily, nobonoko

3 pink hearts turning purple with pink glitter surrounding them. YOUTUBERS!! an angel-esque wing flapping up and down. Danny Gonzalez, planet clue, Polygon Donut, izzyzz, Matt Rose, Michael MJD, Remainings, brutalmoose, toastedcherries

This was last updated on the 12th of September. Some interests here may be outdated as of your viewing.

a line of varying cereal marshmallows of different shapes.

a popsicle that looks like a watermelon. click / tap on the sections below to learn more pixel art of a pink heart bouncing up and down.

dni/byfsocial linksmainextrascommissions carrd

Pub: 13 Jul 2023 21:51 UTC
Edit: 12 Sep 2024 19:36 UTC
Views: 791