Ruina: Fairy Tale of the Forgotten Ruins - which EasyRPG version to use
last updates: 11 August 2024 (formatting), 05 August 2024 (created this thing)

EasyRPG main website:
Download the latest EasyRPG player here (v0.8 as of this writing):
Download past EasyRPG player versions here:

For the person who got lost and ended up here somehow: hey, you should play this cool game ;)

This is a list of bugs I've discovered while playing through the game several times with both v0.6.2.3 and v0.7. These are just my own discoveries, so there might be more I haven't listed. Note that I haven't bothered with a full v0.8 run because the two bugs I know of already make the game unplayable to me compared to the other two versions.

I'm playing the game on a PC with Windows 10, and some of these may be sound card-specific problems.

EasyRPG Player v0.6.2.3 - this is the version that comes prepackaged with the EN fan translation

  • [bug] AI-controlled party members don't use their skills
  • [bug] Rest music doesn't play in full
  • [bug] Enemies you can use a certain ingredient on instantly die
  • [bug] Two endgame skills, one buff and one debuff, can't be used in battle (always grayed out no matter what weapon you have equipped). Losing out on these skills doesn't matter too much in the long run, because of the next "bug"
  • [bug] The tests I ran for this were admittedly too few, but it seems like characters with buffed Attack or Magic in this version deal significantly more damage compared to similarly buffed characters either in v0.7 or the original JP version

EasyRPG Player v0.7

  • AI-controlled party members can now use their skills
  • Rest music plays in full
  • Abovementioned ingredient doesn't kill enemies anymore
  • All skills can now be used, subject to the weapon the character is equipped with
  • Characters with buffed Attack or Magic deal around the same damage as similarly buffed characters in the original JP version
  • [bug] Some of the sound effects are crunchy in places
  • [bug] Some music is sped up
  • [bug] Music sometimes disappears when switching maps (can be fixed with restarting or switching windows)
  • [bug] Characters can equip shields even when using 2-handed weapons. See further notes below. By the way, there's no bug with dual-wielding characters, they can't equip two 2-handed weapons
  • [bug] The ending credits for both the true ending and the good ending get cut off, and the game skips straight to the final screen

EasyRPG Player v0.8

  • [bug] Battle text doesn't display properly
  • [bug] Map points that shouldn't be visible yet randomly appear on the map but remain inaccessible

This player's personal recommendation on which version to use

  • For new players: Use the EasyRPG version that's already included with the game
  • For players who have already seen all the endings multiple times: Use EasyRPG v0.7
  • An alternative for new players is to use EasyRPG v0.7 until the very final area, where you should switch to EasyRPG v0.6.2.3, but I don't recommend it because if you forget to do it, it'll ruin your experience of the ending.
  • Using EasyRPG v0.6.2.3 combined with character buff skills should make the whole game overall easier, and there are some pretty broken buff skills and buffing items you can craft by endgame. However, if you want an experience that should be closer to the original JP game, then go for v0.7. Again, I wouldn't recommend this to new players because v0.7's ending bug is disastrous.

Tip for identifying which weapons are one-handed or two-handed in EasyRPG Player v0.7

Due to character count limits, the in-game item description doesn't always say whether a weapon is one-handed or two-handed, so here's how to make sure you didn't equip both a 2-handed weapon and a shield without meaning to.

Syphon equipping the Sapling Staff, boosting his Attack by 1 and his Magic by 15
Let's use Syphon as an example. Sapling Staff's description says it's 2-handed, but let us pretend we do not see it.
Here you can see that equipping the Sapling Staff boosts Syphon's Attack by 1 and his Magic by 15.

Syphon trying to equip a Buckler, boosting his Defense by 1, but reducing his Attack by 1 and his Magic by 15
Here Syphon has the Sapling Staff equipped, and is trying out a Buckler shield. As you'd expect, it boosts his Defense, but you can also see that equipping it reduces his Attack and Magic -- specifically, by 1 and 15 respectively. Those are the same stats he gained from equipping the Sapling Staff. What this means is that equipping the Buckler will cause him to unequip the Sapling Staff automatically, because the Sapling Staff is 2-handed and he can't use it with a shield. This is how you can identify which weapons are supposed to be 2-handed.

Syphon somehow equipping both the Sapling Staff and the Buckler at once
Because of the EasyRPG v0.7 bug, Syphon can equip both the Sapling Staff and Buckler at once, gaining both of their boosts without any repercussions. Which, well... you can have it stay that way, if you want. But if you're aiming for a clear without exploiting bugs, then just unequip either the weapon or the shield manually.

Pub: 05 Aug 2024 06:54 UTC
Edit: 11 Aug 2024 13:31 UTC
Views: 150