gendergasm's dni & byf

dni: (1) basic dni criteria. (2) if you are against the things you know im going to post about (ex: disability pride, transmasc lesbians/transfem gays, age/petre pride, ect.) (3) radfems/terfs/exclus (4) you are going to drag me or my posts into queer discourse of any kind (5) israel supporters (6) loli/shotscons (7) radqueers

byf: (1) we may not take every request we get due to it being on the blacklist, simply not wanting to/feeling comfortable making it or not being able to figure out how to make the flag, so please don't resubmit if we havent posted your request. (2) we identify as inclusionists and dont like to be called exclus even if we're not radinclus. do not talk about queer discourse with us or under our posts. we prefer to keep a discourse free account as much as possible despite our own personal opinions on queer discourse. if you really feel the need to know my stances on these topics dm us on our main. (3) anyone is free to use our flags, no need to ask (as long as it isnt for monitary gain)

Pub: 15 Feb 2023 04:26 UTC
Edit: 31 Jan 2024 05:16 UTC
Views: 6735