lemy / hansel / sel
  • he/star pronouns
  • i am a minor
  • rank 170+ in jpsekai


  • i block freely if you want to be unblocked dm me in your alt because i will block you for lighthearted reasons or for being a freak but i have to do a background check
  • i literally rt/like any (legal) ships even the ones i feel neutral with because i don't really care
  • i can be loud and annoying at times!! my apologies.
  • if i ever rt/like/follow someone problematic it’s best to direct message me about it.
  • i am not invested in genshin/honkai, but i may tweet content contains it occasionally
  • i am neutral when it comes to most topics and is open to opinions!
  • i am a hardcore ruikasa shipper but i don’t care if you are a ruikasa anti or something you can still interact/follow
  • i don’t fb everyone i got lazy i also dont want to accidentally fb a freak


  • if you identify as "MAP" or "Zoo" go KYS FREAK
  • bigots
  • loli/shotacons, pro-shippers, whatever if you pretend to be an anti and have a proship side acc BLOCK ME RN
  • dsmp/qsmp and any dream supporters
  • visual nsfw accounts
  • uncensored shedtwt accounts, anti-recovery, and fatphobes. if you are from shedtwt and not meet those criterias i suggest make a side account or something.
  • under 10, over 25

I consider someone as a proshipper if they are neutral/okay with problematic themes (pedophillia, incest, rape, and so on.) being romanticized in media or portrayed as "cute" or "sexually pleasing".

music genres = j-pop, visual kei, rock or whatever, vocaloid

games = project sekai, bandori, d4dj mostly i also like evillious chronicles

ships = ruikasa, emunene, kanaichinene, any niigo ship, polyneed, i like ruinene, emukasa and other wxs ships platonically or something no preference i also think mizurui is neat idk though

Edit Report
Pub: 24 Jun 2023 05:07 UTC
Edit: 23 Sep 2023 02:14 UTC
Views: 1424