[About Me]

Name: Eulogy/Rei/Benares (any OK)
[Ravi if we're close.]
Pronouns: He/Him/It/Its
Identification: Asexual Queer
Nationality: Bangladeshi
Languages spoken: English/বাংলা/Deutsch

Note: Sometimes under heavy negative emotion, I experience "disassociation" (referring to it as that as I don't know the proper medical term) where my mind and body feel disconnected and I refer to myself in third person. Please be understanding of that. I have not been diagnosed with any disorders and I am not a system nor do I have alters, I simply refer to myself in a detached way sometimes as it feels more "comfortable" that way. I also experience auditory hallucination alot.

[BYF: Before You Follow]

I do not consider myself "proship" or "anti", I block freely whoever harasses/annoys/makes me uncomfortable.
I prefer to decide by myself if something is acceptable or not rather than follow any pro/anti ideology.
I do draw/write content that be considered dark/disturbing/morally reprehensible but only within realm of fiction, all content is trigger tagged properly for the comfort of my viewers, if you do not heed tags that is your fault.

[DNI: Do Not Interact]

If you bear negative views of the LGBTQ+ community/People of colour/any form of discrimination
If you think harassing someone over fictional content is acceptable; the block button is free.
If you believe just because I make and engage with dark fiction, that I think its acceptable in real life; it absolutely isn't.
If you engage in/make RPF [Real Person Fiction], those aren't fictional characters, those are real people (this is not talking about sfw fanart and stuff of real people but rather nsfw and such made of real people without their informed consent).

That is all.
Image description

Pub: 23 Jun 2023 16:00 UTC
Edit: 18 Apr 2024 10:03 UTC
Views: 1972