﹒﹢﹒ ıll﹒august , chuuya, vincent ⟡ he him﹒﹢﹒ ﹔★﹒ ﹔★﹒ ✦﹐minor , infp entp , tr/en ﹒ꜜ﹒ ︶﹒ friends + fictkins # ᵔᴗᵔ﹒﹒ i make ky$/mrder/s3x jokes, i have social anxiety (be patient while interacting with me) i'm short-tempered % hypocrite, i use tonetags (mostly /j, /srs, /hj, /nm. /lh, etc etc; lmk if u don't want them), english isn't my main language so i might use translate; so don't make fun of my grammar/spelling, i also need tonetags if you're being sarcastic w/ me :3

basic dni criteria, zoophiles, p3dophiles, whitewashers, thinking ,,blackwashing" exist, if u hate my friends for no reason, you're icra or sleepy!! >_<

Pub: 08 Jun 2023 19:43 UTC
Edit: 10 Jun 2023 21:28 UTC
Views: 123