cred - roguefort on tumblr

do not interact
☆﹒basic dni criteria
☆﹒-13/18+ (unless I know you then you're fine)
☆﹒zionists/israel supporters or even neutral to the israeli-palestinian conflict.
☆﹒mlm and wlw fetishists
☆﹒gore fans
☆﹒disrespects boundaries
☆﹒actively slanders characters I like (ESP tsukasa tenma)
☆﹒hates on any of my interests
☆﹒makes unnecessary/petty drama all the time
☆﹒a certain pair of people I know whose names start with N and S... you know who you are lol! 😅
☆﹒just creepy and icky in general :/

before you interact
☆﹒bad social anxiety and anxiety in general
☆﹒there are times where I won't talk or text at all, and when I do talk I stutter or speak fast
☆﹒I might have adhd and autism (still need to get properly diagnosed)
☆﹒tends to be a very slow person (won't understand things quickly or even not at all sometimes), please be patient...
☆﹒I use and need tone tags
☆﹒frequent mood swings (for ex I can go from super hyper and clingy to a complete awkward ass mf)
☆﹒I have anger issues. I'm sorry in advance if you ever had to deal with any of my outbursts.
☆﹒I might accidently overshare/rant about random things and my life to you (I'm a certified yapper)
☆﹒I'm really forgetful, which causes me to ghost people on accident. again, sorry in advance.
☆﹒talks about my interests a lot
☆﹒If you want to vent then please ask beforehand
☆﹒I make kys/kms jokes sometimes
☆﹒speaks in caps and makes typos/grammar mistakes pretty often
☆﹒I might take days to reply at times due to having little energy/being busy.

☆﹒if I ever did something wrong please educate me instead of bashing me for it!
☆﹒please don't be afraid to let me know if any of these make you uncomfortable, I will stop!
☆﹒if you can't handle the things in bold, please just don't interact or talk to me.


Pub: 25 Dec 2023 08:05 UTC
Edit: 25 Jun 2024 05:10 UTC
Views: 862