aiden or sal
 7teen he him !
 british.. okegom lover
send stuff !

HELLO i am aiden. i like to Spread peace and joy and love
I really like okegom and am #annoying about it. Sorry...
Number 1 salwada connosieur forever and always.
Everyone is my friend unless they dont want to be

i Am funny and awesome i think
i Dedicate my time to spreading joy and Kindness and love
I suck at conversations though. Bump me if you need a response
i Just block people im uncomfortable with/Dont like
Saldate weirds me out And ill probably block you if you like it sorry.

discord: hijoushiki

please Stop trying to reclaim this URL. i love /sal i Love it and i have had it ever since the claim feature dropped :heart: /Sal you will always be mine. Forever and always. Sal is a character very dear to me and he has been my branding for Over 4 years. Thats right. Im the sal guy. I sal guy'd so hard people called me his name. But yes i have spent way over 30 seconds on this and the content is genuine ! im Never ever going to trade this btw Not in a Million years dont dm me on discord asking for it Please. Also if anyone sends me sal or salwada or wada art in my strawpage ill Hug you.
/Sal i Love you forever and always. To all the okegom fans or Sally face fans or people Named sal im Sincerely sorry.
/sal will Always belong to ME (the amazing aiden) and Only me ;-; I also have a retrospring If you want to say something and see me Respond to it. Check it out /sal fandom! I DO NOT OWN /SALDATE THAT IS MY BROTHERS DOING. HE IS ATTEMPTING TO PRANK ME. If you actually like saldate ill Block you and im being serious it makes me Bitterly uncomfortable. No hate to you though just Not my thing. Salwada is better sorry!

Pub: 25 May 2024 20:08 UTC
Edit: 14 Sep 2024 10:42 UTC
Views: 3408