whats up the names ethan but most people call me fanny and this is my extended about page . here im gonna get a bit more deep . a bit more RAW . ill start peeling my skin off any second . this page looks boring but my quips and splendid gift of repartee remedies it

im an agender aroace autistic artist and animator from australia call that a septuple A battery . im an intp and taurus if that means anything to you and i love utdr , sam&max , spongebob , collecting , robots and other various interests . sexuality: severe

im a punk and a proud member of the world renowned tuesdayers maybe youve heard of us or perhaps played a hearty game of splatoon against us (wherein the other two hauled ass and carried and i sat in the back with shades and an umbrella drink) . i pride myself on my strange nature and off putting behaviour but dont let that cloud your perception of me . im often described as chill and on occasion actually kind of funny so im sure ill get a hearty chuckle out of you at some point

im an avid hater of a nice handful of things but moreso i am a lover . you will see me post about things i love often like my friends and various media . i typically show this love through getting really angry and scratching at things like a wild chimp . dont let it bother you . i cycle through hyperfixations like laundry ill either post about the same thing for weeks on end or once and never again . its in gods hands and brother im not praying

i think we should all get along and play together on swings

Pub: 13 Aug 2023 18:40 UTC
Edit: 13 Feb 2024 18:43 UTC
Views: 298