this is a callout rentry about calle / mari / marle / arle / sam (formerly known as aster / meadow) and the terrible things they have done :)

sam uses they/them pronouns , although they are a shitty person their pronouns should still be respected ! + i will be referring to them as sam in this rentry since that is the name they go by now

i dont feel like explaining much so this might just be a bunch of copy and pastes from others who have spoken abt them.

below this is an image from about 11 months or so ago (???) as you can see in the image sam (aster) is using terms such as "what abt us/me?" and other very manipulative phrases on me (sol) i had told them how what they were doing here was guilt tripping but they would constantly tell me that it wasnt at all until i had discussed the issue with my mom and had told sam what my mom said and they finally outed the fact that they were guilt tripping me. mind you this is a tactic they have used even further in the past and in the future as well. sorry if the image is blurry or hard to see

images provided by sams ex rayne/niko. (sam is the deleted user !)

(this is stolen from cinnanenes rentry)
sam portrayed people who cconfronted them as villains if they cannot make us go by their ways. they watched ph with someone who is bodily a minor ( theyre literally turning 18 and doing that ) they also forced things on others, including using others to satisfy their needs, also forced their exes alter who is a little to get the host (calles ex) to front, made tons of sexual comments and when asked to stop they didnt and continues further. when someone stands up for themself against calle they always victimized themself and get everyone's pity. they also force others to comfort them and throws a tantrum if they dont get it ( they throw tantrums anyways even if they do tbh 😐 ) they have also faked DID (said they had a sunny alter and a couple others as well.) and have also manipulated others into "depending on them" and also tries to victim blame. they crop a lot of things out of context to make others think theyre the victim. they talk shit about their friends and also throws every bs possible at others when others began to stood up to them, they guilt trip and often use basic level of manipulating skills to try to get them to feel sorry for being that way. theyve sent nsfw furry art to a friend of ours. also said they themself are a slut to minors. they would also make their ex their entire trauma when their ex didnt do shit. they talk shit about both of their exes, has forced things on both their exes, got both their exes to spend a lot of money on them , blames the way they are is because of their exes. they also make fun of others such as their friends behind their backs. they have also harmed a lot of minors and still victimize themself to this day. they have also threatened to take legal action on people for things that were accidental and or unknown how they were bad. they have made my gf say very sexual things in an alhaitham impression voice (my gf is 14 calle is 17.) calle is openly known for being a huge alhaitham simp which is why this has made me and my gf uncomfy. they also told someone that they would pretend to fall asleep on call to listen to me and my gf talk abt very personal things since we believe they are sleeping and not listening. they have also told someone i was "copying their irls" which is so disgusting and impossible unless the person is faking. i have literal mems from my delus + i hve to deal with episodes and its not fun, stop telling me im copying you its so weird. please if u still support dni with me or any of my friends i just want them out of my life. idc wht they do or anything i just want them to stay away from me and my loved ones. ty.
tw for everything !!

other images of very manipulative words and also a bit of blackmailing ! you can also see the fact that they told me i was victimizing when thats legit all they do ...

they also said this to me telling them i would get their account banned for using hacks !

they told me that i aparently have called my sister a fat bitch AND ASSUMED MY SISTER HAD CANCER ???

they have "hit on" (kinda) a friend of ours who is in a relationship. when sam became friends with jingyuan again they then brought up the ship jingyun (jingyuan x tingyun) which is very weird since sam is/was a tingyun irl ... they also have heavily flirted with jingyuan in messages and said very gross things

they always would ask me to remove my skins if it was a double of them and would even go out of their way to change their fischls name to "me (?)" just to try and piss me off bcs i dislike fischl dbles !! they also forced me to chnage my pfp if i had it as a ship that was with them in it (esp if it was me being a double) for example - eimiko , heromari , furilette , and haikaveh . they forced me to stop being a yae irl as well. they would always switch into yae right after me

they had used one of our friends named lilybelle as a venting person and would only vent to her. sam also sexualized aya (aya is both an oc of lilybelles and an introject !) sam would constantly tell aya that alhaitham isnt hers when she is legit dating alhaitham LMFAO. mroe explain.

other things sam has done that i have noticed :
they would constantly call my nahida , ei and candace "them" even tho my skin of all three is black. sam is NOT black they are white . they also made their ei nahida and candace black as well while being them irl. when i asked they said they just picture the characters with dark skin , but if thats how they picture them wouldnt that mean thats how they picture themself...? they deluded to dehya as well and p sure they said they had a similar complexion to her WHICH THEY DONT ! they also at one point deluded to dori and made her dark skinned as well. i have no issue with making these characters dark skinned AT ALL , however when u delude to these characters and make them darker when ur white... thats just weird is it not? they also only really had friends who were younger or older than them (by younger i mean like 12-15 y/os and by older i mean 21-25 y/os) sam is 18 but at the time they were 17 , still doesnt make the things they did okay !! they would constantly use the excuse that they were a minor even tho THEY WERE 17 P MUCH OLDER THAN HALF THEIR FRIEND GROUP. they would always talk abt sexual topics with me and my bf which didnt seem weird at the time because we were the same way but just thinking abt it now its really icky.. they always wanted to be the center of attention and brought up old or new drama ALL THE TIME. we legit went out of party island on pt ORIGINALLY to prank people by dressing as really ugly ponies and asking for advice on how to make it better , but that turned into them seeing the people we had drama with and started fucking speaking to them which caused a huge fight and it was so draining. also randomly took us to the spot their exes regiment sits at and ended up talking to him which started another huge argument , istg they lived for drama or something bro it was insane. they wanted to be a kind motherly figure but they were the complete opposite. they called me and my friends their children and also called us kids when talking to others (example - some1 would ask them if they wanted to do something and they would say like "i cant im hanging out with the kids"). when i had told them they reminded me of amber and mona they automatically started deluding to them both... they always forced everyone to believe they were right when in reality they were never right. every argument they had with people always turned out to be a misunderstanding or not even about them etc. it was very draining having to deal with that everyday. a long while back they had accused me of calling their chronic illness gross , context - they were literally talking abt shitting and going into big detail about constipation and what not , and all i had said was ew thats really gross MEANING THE CONVERSATION OF TALKING ABT UR OWN FUCKING POOP GROSSED ME OUT. they told me i apparently made fun of their illness and basically started a huge argument over it (again another misunderstanding !) really goes to show that they dont let anyone speak or even explain themself ever. they always talked shit abt their parents and called them abusive when they were always so demanding towards them and once on call their mom had yelled for them asking if they picked up the clothes in their room to which they said they did but when they came back to speak with us they said shes gonna be mad when she sees i didnt. they had done a instagram live where they were at a clothing store and in that live they were so demanding and rude to their parents p much not doing things they asked and just flat out saying no to them , they had also said they would drop kick a random kid INFRONT OF THE CHILDS MOTHER. mind u it was literally because the kid was playing hopscotch and they wanted a turn.. again , theyre 17-18. they made their parents seem like villains when they honestly were just trying to care for their child. they were so disrespectful to them. they legit call their mom obese and says its effecting their family???

Pub: 07 Nov 2023 15:49 UTC
Edit: 10 Nov 2023 23:15 UTC
Views: 1068