special shoutout to the amazing friends of mine <3

big bubbler, oni, sm, espurr, all of spink

big bubbler: thanks for being there to make me laugh with the dumb shit you guys say or do. i never tire of being in vcs with you guys, goofing off and such.

oni: thanks for being my longest lasting friend, i never get bored of you and i'm glad you've stuck by my side. thanks for being there for me when i needed someone to talk to or be with.

sm: thanks for being a very funny and chill guy to hangout with. you're interesting to talk with and play games with, i enjoy your company a lot. you and mario are cool guys.

espurr: thanks for coaching me when i played competitive. you're such a very chill and easy to talk to kinda guy, i enjoy playing with you, makes me wanna learn as i game. your insight is always helpful. won't stop me from jumping you /j

spink (ca, bbg, aoa): thanks for being like a second home to me. y'all have made me full of happiness, the friendly and playful banter and the funny af stuff we get into is very silly and i'm happy to being the cheerleader for you amazing as hell people. i love you all.

go back: https://rentry.co/issaphthere

Pub: 27 Oct 2023 07:44 UTC
Edit: 25 Jan 2024 20:33 UTC
Views: 105