orange overshadow top Personal Link Vocab : Hello, my name is Kaleo and i have DPDR as well as some other undisclosed dissociation disorders. To cope with these disorders, I use different types of Coping, Support and Paroulinks. however, I am a singlet. and finding words to describe my experience using links is somewhat complex.
to help people understand, here is the vocab I use.

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I am no specialist, but am diagnosed and informed on all my medical labels. if anything here is incorrect, offensive, or wrong- please immediately contact me to explain what's the issue so i can fix it do please also remember that the Otherlink experience is not universal, this vocab is what I use. this rentry is not made to explain what a link is. just for people i speak to to understand me.

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an otherlink is someone who chooses to identify as anything they want for any reason they want.. in my case, i use them for trauma coping reasons, some others use theirs simply for fun. there are multiple types of Otherlink, with five main ones. I identify with three of these. Otherlinks can appear and be used by anyone, including systems, therians, kins, etc.

otherlinkers are all fully aware they are not their linktype. it is not a delusion like IRLSirls explained

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link/linktype : the otherlink one has. media : who/what your link is based on, some links act as the perceived media, some do not. mediamate : two links that have the same origin (two hazbin hotel CLs) clones : two links of the same media (ex: two Graystripe CLs). fazed : mostly used for Supportlinks, the state where the SL is the strongest influence dropping : losing a link, whether because not needed or losing connection fog brain / grey brain : when you are unsure as to what link you are using atmm t-link : trauma-link. a link used as a coping mechanism. co-op : when more than one link is attached. these are the mains one i remember

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Common Copinglinker roles

i usually don't share the role of my links to avoid people triggering me on purpose but i do place roles on my links immediate responder : a fast-linking, usually used to deal with daily issues easily. dysphoria shield : exaclty what the name states [disorder] barrier : link to these during an episode of [disorder] and let the link 'take the blunt' 4bus3 vacant : becomes aggressive and/or non-responsive when subjected to [stated in name] [issue] mask : when under stress we link to them and pretend nothing's wrong/mask symptoms

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Otherlinks can have different pronouns, names and labels than the person this is because they often come with a form of dissociation.

there are many types of otherlinks, so here are the main five

Aeslink : formed for the aesthetic truth be said i do not know much about these but from what i've read, they don't help to cope, and are used mainly by aesthetigenders -- Funlink : formed for a fun or similar purpose these are close to the first one, and i've seen them in people who age/pet regress
as well as in therians.
-- Paroulink : formed as a coping mechanism and/or disconnection from humanity usually these present as non-human, and are rather distant;
most common in atypical people as a way to define their lack of humanity.
-- Supportlink : a link who'se purpose is to support the user they take over almost completly on the way of thinking and are intense trauma repsonders. -- Copinglink : the most common coping purpose link helps cope, usually voluntary linking when stressed, unlike SLs that are nearly automatic. tend to be from hyperfixations / character / animal one look ups to.

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Other resources and idea credits

credit to the original idea : @ otherlink wiki page : + copinglink wiki page : & copinglink education : #

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windrunner.exe on discord

maahes ; heart ; Nikto ; Kapkaan ; Max ; Anakin ; Bug

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Pub: 07 Jan 2024 10:05 UTC
Edit: 21 Mar 2024 13:41 UTC
Views: 359