my transfem headcanons

basically canonically male characters from different series and medias that i hc as transfem or something similar that i will use she/her (+ sometimes other pronouns like they/them, it/its, & neos) pronouns on. so like dont be surprised if i use these pronouns on them and refer to them as girls & whatnot. A lot of times if someone uses she/her on a character & im replying, i'll use those same pronouns so this isn't limited. also you can use their canon pronouns around me if u want idc

bungo stray dogs

kenji (trans girl, she/they/fern lesbian) sigma (transfem intersex, she/him lesbian) ango (transfem nonbinary, any pronouns aro bisexual) dazai (transmasc nonbinary, he/him lesbian) shirase (bigender, xe/bone bisexual) kunikida (trans woman, he/she pansexual)


kenma (trans woman, she/her bisexual) kuroo (transmasc genderfluid, he/she bisexual) tsukki (trans woman, any pronouns femme lesbian) tadashi (girlflux, they/them butch lesbian) kindaichi (trans woman, she/he/it bisexual) kyoutani (transmasc woman, he/it lesbian) kogane (genderfluid, she/he/xe/ze aroace) kiyoomi (bigender, he/she bisexual) osamu (trans woman, she/her lesbian) suna (girlthing, all pronouns pansexual) nishinoya (transfem genderfluid, she/he bisexual

genshin impact

zhongli (genderfluid, all pronouns demiromantic pansexual) albedo (plutigender, she/xyz/it/xir/fog bisexual) kaeya (transfem boyflux, he/him bisexual) razor (transneu genderfluid, all pronouns & unlabeled orientation) mika (trans girl, she/cloud lesbian)

male characters i wont use she/her on bc i hc them as trans men & so on

akutagawa (bsd) (trans man, he/him gay) ranmaru (yttd) (trans boy, he/him hetero) shoyo (hq) (transmasc boyflux, he/fly bisexual)

note: if you hc any of these characters as transfem or anything like that, thats fine, i just wont use she/her on them

Pub: 02 Dec 2023 07:50 UTC
Edit: 07 May 2024 11:39 UTC
Views: 436