Are all these fears mine to hold?
(I can feel them in my bones)
contact me @bakerylightsdim on twt or disc for art removal
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Artwork by 7cfc00 on Tumblr/Twitter. Click me for the source!
Hell World Priv
He/They 19
Welcome to my priv! I'm a lot more active here than on main and I hope you enjoy your stay :) I will literally talk about whatever the fuck on here, and I often delete old posts that I feel bad about or now disagree with etc. I am not the most stable person so don't be too shocked If I randomly start crashing out on the tl. Yes I know I am kindof an annoying asshole and yes I am working on it. I will probably liveblog stuff like cr untagged sorry Ill tag it at some point probably. I like to dress cute and femininely but PLEAAASSEUUUH be aware I am a trans guy and do not like being referred with she/her :) I would personally leave post notifications off for this account.
-> DO NOT leak my posts please and thank you. sb/hb to unfollow and like. lmk if it was something I said/did because I genuinely am trying to get better, no hard feelings. if we never ever int and u just want to clean up ur tl then dont mind that part tho.