-I may use caps in my comments/posts sometimes.
-Please use tone tags/tone indicators when interacting with me!
-I may sometimes forget to include tws in my comments. Feel free to remind me if I forget!

BLACKLIST (Don't interact with me (including viewing projects/posts) if you fit into any of these criteria) Basic DNI criteria Queerphobe * (including anyone who is part of/support fetrah or any other queerphobic organization/campain/etc) -Anti-MOGAI * -Heterophobe/Cisphobe * -Anti-neopronouns/anti-xenogenders * -Anti-mspec * -Anti-endo systems *

DO NOT INTERACT (You are free to view any of my projects/posts/etc; however don't interact with me if you fit into any of these criteria!) -Proship/anti-anti
--TransID users (due to being associated with radqueer)
-You support any problematic person or condone their actions
-You support Project 2025
-Anything that are like the above criteria
* excludes anyone who doesn't support it but respects it

THIN ICE (You can interact with me; however i may not interact with you!) -M.U.D (Medically Unrecognized Disorders) users


Edit Report
Pub: 29 Oct 2023 01:23 UTC
Edit: 10 Jun 2024 15:55 UTC
Views: 374