ABT ME !!! d(^_^o)

im neurodivergent (bpd, autism + more) so pls b patient wjth me!!! I also need tone indicators depending on the day,, I will ghost ppl when im feeling really tired, and cant function so sorrh abt that... i also type differently depending on who im with and my mood so dw abt that, i (probably) dont hate u ^-^ ALSO. DONT CALL ME A FURRY OR EMO IT MAKES ME RLLY UNCOMFORTABLE!!! also, pls stop when i tell you to!!!! Unless indicate im joking. My personality + preferred names change alot so sorry if that overwhelmes u or anything. Im also not good with new ppl unless i like actually wanna get to know them...... so.... sorry.. ig.... i make kys/kms jokes so srry abt thay if it makes uncomfortable. Also pls dont flirt with me i have a boyfriend whom i love very much, and all my affectjon is platonic!!! i also sometiems make dick jokes (e.g. smd, i have a big cock, thats what she said, etc.) so lmk if u want me 2 stop! Also, i sometimes talk through images/emojis/reactions but thats jst bc i am non-verbal at that time!!!! Do NOT point out my typos its pisses me off ALOT.


Pub: 11 Sep 2022 00:28 UTC
Edit: 02 Aug 2023 22:27 UTC
Views: 663