hello, i'm stella
any pronouns, neos included, except for she/her
i prefer going by he/him and they/them though.

i'm 19 years old, and sometimes i draw.
though.. i don't post often. please don't expect much.

i usually talk about leo/need or niigo,
my favorite ships are ichihona and mafuena
so if you don't like those, i'd appreciate it if you
did not follow me. thank you kindly.

non selective followback. let's all be friends.
please softblock to break the mutual
if you ever want to stop being friends.

i know this can't stop everyone but,
atleast when you are with me, do not pull up
pictures of butterflies or harm to the neck
i'd appreciate it if you tagged as well, but
it's okay if you don't.

don't interact if you fit the basic criteria,
ship incest (it's very personal to me,
so don't even joke about it), or make jokes about
a character's disability. there's too much to list
so just test your luck. i trust you not to be a freak.

Pub: 12 Jul 2023 06:39 UTC
Edit: 12 Jul 2023 08:25 UTC
Views: 863