back to main, about me
dont compare, compete, whatever the terms called i dont know the name [but ill define it as saying "i love this character more than you"] or call me a yume please it makes me highly uncomfortable... colored names link to where characters are from (yes all of them are from roblox)
i dont care about sharing in the slightest, in fact, i love seeing people who like a character just as much as me! [as long as they dont shove it in my face and try to compete with me] The more the merrier!
how i view these characters varies, it ranges from "what a cute little guy! id date them!" to "OH MY FUCKING GOD I LOVE THIS CHARACTER SO MUCH IM GONNA EXPLODE" [only one character is the latter, just guess which one]
cruel king, guest, jard (my selfship rentry for him), infected, pest, poob

Pub: 22 Oct 2024 20:30 UTC
Edit: 27 Nov 2024 21:07 UTC
Views: 104