† Psyche or Koda
System Interests Illnesses
! Long Rentry, lots of reading
Koda Psyche Venus Rose Eden
Fawn Iris Fizz Ada Pup Rhys
Odysseus Luca Luchino Odin
Malachi Vincent Jean Count
Reuben Henry Eramus Outis
She He Paw Pup Knight Were
Werewolf Rain Pix Bun Bunny
Bone Citrus VHS Dew Lost It
They Silly Goofy Wind Anem
Choco Apple Deer Doe Fur
Analog Ink Virtual Love Kiss
Fang Sour Pop Jam Fizz Lime
Lemon Orange Gemini Neon
Hunt Squid Zap Rad Raspberry
Gum Mist Confetti Soft Plush
Cervis Mutt Eel Cake
Bigender Xenogender MOGAI Pupgender
Multigender Knightgender Anemogender
Chocogender Sungender Cakegender
8-Bitgender Bunnygender Dognipgender
Jamcookiegender Poprockgender Boneic
Sourfizzgender Chocobunic Honeygender
Imaginarygender Citrusgender Panxenic
Cuddlepupgender Lovegender Huntic
Xenohoardcopeic Applepawic Bimboy
Geminihomegender Fluffpawic <3gender
Analoghorric Blacklightaesic Puppyloveic
Animagauditratic Patheticboyfreakic
Virtualpersonic VHShorric Lovelettic
Puppyloveic Petscopic Foundfootageic
Rainbowvoidic Werecreatureic Orangeic
Furpawstimmic Loveic Hyperheartial
Lostmedian Wrongsomian Sunbeing
Sillygoofygender Sillything Eeveenic
Joltenic Squidpanic Cherrypanic
Zapappleic Happihoarder Carnivic
Radgender Digitalbeing Cloveric
Girlbossthing Malewifething Lovething
Losergender Lovestringic Soundrainic
Visualnovelic Staticthing Realityglitchic
Lovesickbeing Darlinpetnamic Dollbunic
Puppyplushic Webpupgender Eelgender
Windgender Sunpupgender Funnyfluid
Lovepupgirl Lovepupboy Cervimasc
Puremascian Autumnpupgender
Therigender Dorkpetnamic Cozybunic
Weirdkidgender Softgender Glowstaric
Fanggender Vampbungender Loverboy
Confetticakegender Raspberrybungender
Autumncomfic Bunpancakic Loadgender
Cuteboygender Wolfpupgender Raingender
Eelpupgender Lovecoregender
Marshmallowtwistbunic Pastelgoric
Marshmallowtwistpupic Jellogender
Mistydewgender Gummypupgender
Pronounfluid Bunpupgender Boygirlflux
Gnawstimmic Yippeegender Transmasc
Astrobyssian Joyhoarder Sweetgender
Raincloudgender Humanthing
Sillyguything Sillyboything Lovecreathing
Pupsleepyic Boyfriendloser Lovesickgirl
Lovesickboy Boyfail Girlfail Oddthing
Lovelazic Bigenderthing Pawthing
Unhumanlovic Foundfootagehorroric
Lowpolygender Glitchsilly Gamerloser
Protectilovecoric Dreamloveaeon
Boygirlthing Doglovinic Transxenog
Genderlovesick Loverboyloser
Loverboyfreak Nonhumanic
The were-creature. | The one who loves.
The digital one. | The one who worships.
The knight. | The one who protects.
The one who is not human. | The mutt.
She/He who hides. | She/He who is lovesick.
Her/His mortality. | She/He who sings praise.
The one made of stained glass. | The devoted.
The otherworldly being. | The bloodied.
The loser boy/girl. | The weirdo. | The mortal.
She/He with bruised knees. | The bleeding heart.
The one who yearns. | The abandoned stray.
The one who is muzzled. | She/He who wanders.
The recluse. | She/He who is a plague.
The one who is uncanny. | The virtual being.
She/He who watches. | The starry-eyed.