vast error specific rentry because this hyperfix has gone on so long edolon picmix

MY FAVS edolon vryche and seinru narako these are my favorite characters ever and a majority of my ve tweets will be about them talald hieron, serpaz helilo, calder kerian, aumtzi maught, and the harbingers of the alpocalypse

INTERESTS I LOVE analyzing and writing in depth analyses about my favorite characters. I have posted a couple vast error analysis' on my analysis tumblr if you're interested in that and plan to make a thread of my analysis tweets on here when I can.

I am very hyperfixated on sendolo (seinru/edolon) but my interest is very much analytical. I mostly talk about them on my private account (mutuals only) because I do not want people to misinterpret my tweets. people who romanticize their relationship suck and people who make it one sided feelings also suck. i also am a talsendolo fangirlguyboy (sendolo <3, talsen <>, taldolo (coworker metamour friendship))

my wonderful edolon plushie was a commission created by VuduKawaii for 150 + shipping <3

(warning for flashing) check out my horrible edolon neocities

back to main rentry

Pub: 06 Aug 2023 05:47 UTC
Edit: 31 Dec 2023 23:03 UTC
Views: 403