isa or reverie — 17yo isfj he/she
i am a gender non-confirming boy.

i love talking to others;
do not be afraid to talk
or reach out to me! :-)

september 09.21 my birthday :-) it is the most special month of the year... 3x3 is 9 and 3x7 is 21 (both 21 and 9 are divisible by 3. which lines up perfectly. are you guys seeing this? notice how they're all beautiful numbers - arguably the most pleasing numbers from one to infinity. i mean, 921 is also a really nice number, but it's not on the same level as 3, 9, 21 on their own. are you guys seeing this? also... isn't it weird that september is the 9th month of the year? AND 21 is divisible by 3? which, coincidentally, 9 is also divisible by. and, 3 squared is 9. Squared starts with s. you know what else starts with s? September. are you guys seeing this? there's a secret 3. but the government hides it

Pub: 04 Oct 2022 02:30 UTC
Edit: 20 Jan 2025 03:06 UTC
Views: 299
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