what does it mean when someone says they're on a see-food diet?

When someone says they're on a "see-food diet," it's usually a playful or humorous way of saying that they eat whatever they see, without any specific restrictions or dietary rules. In other words, they don't follow a structured diet plan and simply indulge in whatever food they come across. This phrase is often used in a lighthearted manner to convey that the person enjoys eating a wide variety of foods without any dietary constraints.

if someone says that they are metaphorically on a see-food diet, what is that a metaphor for?

If someone says that they are metaphorically on a "see-food diet," it's typically a humorous or metaphorical way of expressing that they have a tendency to consume or take in whatever information or content they encounter without any specific filters or discernment. In this context, "see-food" is used as a play on the word "seafood" (edible creatures from the sea) and "see" (observing or noticing things).
So, when someone says they are metaphorically on a "see-food diet," it means that they are figuratively consuming or absorbing any information, content, or stimuli that come their way without being selective or critical about what they expose themselves to. It's often used to humorously describe someone who is open to experiencing a wide range of information, entertainment, or experiences without much discretion.

Pub: 13 Jan 2024 03:41 UTC
Edit: 13 Jan 2024 03:42 UTC
Views: 23