before you interact
1) i use i/we interchangeably
2) i am a paranoid little freak
3) i have weird compulsions sometimes be kind to me about them i know they're ridiculous
4) i make kys/kms jokes lmk if they make you uncomfy and i won't do it around you
5) we don't typically specify who's fronting we are a #master at masking but ur free to ask if were good friends if you oh so choose ^_^
6) i will be so unapologetically annoying about my psys because i'm happy and in love
7) i tend to be super busy !!!!! and can forget to respond to things/forget things a lot in general. please don't be afraid to kindly remind me
8) not to give you a thesis on my illnesses but i have borderline princess disorder which can affect my behavior immensely sorry if you can't handle my freak. kidding but do keep this in mind when interacting pretty please that's all
9) i am infact autistic and can be soo bad w tone so tone specifications when appropriate would b awesomely appreciated. dont overuse them though ill pour cement down your toiler
10) i am cringe but free