
Creating a server

1.8 Server: https://replit.com/@ayunami2000/eaglercraftx
1.5 Server: https://replit.com/@ayunami2000/eaglercraft-server?v=1

Press the "fork" button.
Now you've created your server.
Adding plugins will make your server a lot better.

Adding plugins

Download a plugin from spigotmc.org or dev.bukkit.org.
Find the plugin in your Files app.
For 1.8, drop it in Server > Plugins
For 1.5, drop it Java > Bukkit_command > Plugins

Plugins: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1LkDwj7qbkfUZTCGjMXQcloC8BibEsINr

Reload your server.

AuthMe or LoginSecurity
It will keep people from logging in as somebody they aren't!
FOR AUTHME, MAKE SURE YOU SET THE MAX REG IP TO 0! (this makes it so more than one person can join your server)


Skins: https://namemc.com/
Texture Packs: https://resourcepacks24.de/
Plugins: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1LkDwj7qbkfUZTCGjMXQcloC8BibEsINr

Using ChatGPT to help you start your server

First, go to https://platform.openai.com/playground and login.
Then open the playground.
Then type: git clone https://github.com/lax1dude/eaglercraftx-1.8
then ask it a question! ex: "How do i add plugins?"

Commands/Useful Info


Whitelist players, like your friends so that only people you add to the whitelist can join.
/whitelist add [username]
Make sure to whitelist yourself before you move on!
/whitelist on
Then add all your friends so that only people you allow can join!

Pub: 08 Feb 2023 17:00 UTC
Edit: 22 Feb 2023 22:13 UTC
Views: 3008