Wall Mounted Electric Fire: A Simple Definition

How a Wall Mounted Electric Fire Works

If you're thinking of adding a wall mounted electric fire to your home, you should know how they work. These fireplaces are simple to install, no chimney is required, and are energy efficient.

Before installing, select a location that is close enough to an electrical outlet to be able to reach the cord and has adequate clearance from nearby the combustible material.

Easy to install

In comparison to a traditional gas fireplace, which requires annual checks and is prone to carbon monoxide leaks, electric fireplaces that are wall mounted are relatively straightforward to install. They don't require a chimney as well, making them a great option for homes with small space. However, there are some important aspects to be aware of before you purchase one. It is recommended to keep combustible material at least three feet away from the fireplace. This will reduce the chance of fire and also to ensure that the fireplace is safe for operation. Additionally, you must be sure that the ventilation of hot air isn't blocked. Make sure that the electric fireplace is connected into the wall. If it's not plugged in and the fireplace is not connected, it will not start and will appear dark. You should also examine the circuit breaker and outlet to see if it is tripped.

You will need the following for installing an electric fire on a wall:

If you're not confident with power tools, you may want to employ an installer for this job. There are numerous reviews on the internet that can help you find an experienced installer. The installation should take around 30 minutes. Once the fireplace is installed, you will be able to take advantage of the warmth and ambience it provides.

A wall-mounted electric fireplace is an elegant feature for any home. You can pick from a variety of styles and designs including recessed and flat models. Some models have multiple heat settings, and some come with a remote. It is best to choose a wall-mounted fireplace that's UL-listed and has a manual that explains how to use it.

After you have chosen the best wall-mounted electric fire first, you must begin by determining the perfect place to put it. Be sure that it's not an area in which the heat can affect your television. You can even move the socket behind the fireplace to block it from view. The mounting brackets can be affixed to the wall, aligned with the slots on the back of the fireplace.

No chimney required

Unlike gas fires, which require chimneys to vent out the combustion byproducts Electric fireplaces do not require a flue, or any kind of ventilation system. Electric fireplaces are a great choice for homes without chimneys, or for those who prefer the look of a real fire without the hassle and expense of a gas fireplace.

Installing a wall-mounted electric fire is easy and can be completed in just a few steps. Most electric fires come with mounting brackets and instructions. Generally, the instructions will tell you to fit the brackets first and then place the firebox in the space. Certain models may also include an LCD display that can be used to regulate the settings of the fireplace. The manual will explain how far away the heater must be from combustibles.

Another thing to consider when installing a wall mounted electric fireplace is the place where the power cable will be where the power cable is. The electric fireplace usually has a plug socket that you will need connect to an outlet. Make sure the plug socket is accessible and not hidden behind the fireplace.

Before you install your fireplace, it is a good idea to test it to make sure that everything functions as it should. By plugging it in, you to verify whether the flame effect screen is on and the heater is working. Some electric fireplaces come with remote controls that allow you to operate them from afar.

Some people prefer to hang their electric fireplaces at eye-level from a seated position which is roughly 42" off of the ground. Some prefer to place their electric fires higher between their wall-mounted TV and the ground, or above their sofa. This is a personal preference, but you must ensure that the fire meets any requirements for installation prior to hanging it. Verify that the fire isn't unstable or loose, and is hung securely. It is a good idea to use studs made from wood rather than plastic anchors for this purpose.

Energy efficient

Wall-mounted electric fires are extremely efficient and provide an alternative to traditional chimney fireplace with a flue. They don't need to be vented and can be turned off at any time. This makes them perfect for homes with children or pets. In addition, they are easy to set up and require minimal maintenance. Magikflame offers a variety of payment plans and financing options for those interested in purchasing an electric wall fireplace .

The flames are safe for children as well as pets, since they aren't able to burn anyone who touches them. The flames are created by a heating element that is hidden inside the fireplace, which means you can place it close to furniture or other flammable items in your home without worrying about accidental burns.

Another benefit of a wall-mounted fireplace is that it can be used with or without the heating function, so you can use it in the summer to create a relaxing atmosphere without relying on central heating. You can also use it in the winter months to heat the room without your central heating.

You can easily determine the amount of electricity a wall-mounted electric fire will cost to run by finding out what your energy provider charges per Kilowatt hour. This information is typically available on your bill for energy, or you can contact the company directly. Divide the kilowatts by the number hours that the fire is in operation to calculate the cost per penny.

Check that the wall where you plan to put in the fireplace has an electrical outlet. This will ensure that the fireplace will be operated at the correct voltage and won't trip the fuse. You can move the plug socket if necessary to hide it.

Make sure you have the correct tools available before you start. The majority of wall-mounted electric fires come with a diagram that shows you where to drill the holes for the bracket. It is also recommended to have a spirit level as well as a Stud finder. These tools will ensure that the holes you create are in a safe place and won't cause damage to plumbing or walls.

Low Maintenance

Electric wall mounted fires can be more efficient in terms of energy efficiency and are less expensive than gas fires. Gas fires can be expensive to run. They don't require pipes or chimneys. They plug into any standard power outlet and can be moved around the house as desired. They're a great option for people who can't install a fireplace at their home or for families with children who may be worried about the danger of a flame that is not contained.

In addition, many of these fireplaces come with remote controls that allow you to change the flame effects, ember bed and lighting settings from your couch or chair. They are also simple to clean. You should not put your electric fireplace close to any combustible materials like curtains or wood furniture. This will help prevent overheating or electrical malfunction.

Some fireplaces include an ember bed that glows that look like real fire. They come with a range of different settings for the flames as well as the ember bed, as well as LED lighting effects. Some models also feature an auxiliary source of heat which can be activated independent of the main flame.

The simplicity of a wall-mounted fireplace is the main reason behind choosing it. It is easy to set up and requires minimal technical knowledge. It is also very safe. In contrast to a gas fire that is flued, an electric fire does not produce any harmful fumes or toxic substances.

If you're worried about the installation process, it's possible to engage an expert to finish the job. Some manufacturers provide a free installation, whereas others charge a minimal cost. It is recommended to select a business with a good track record of satisfaction with customers.

Make sure that your electric fire is at least three feet away from any combustible material, such as clothing, paper, bedding or furniture. This will decrease the risk of burns and physical damage. Also, make sure to regularly check that filters aren't blocked. This will ensure that the fireplace is in good working condition by ensuring a constant circulation of hot and cold air.

Pub: 01 Mar 2024 07:16 UTC
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