note: rpdr spoilers below! sorry shake wanters, this will be my rpdr diary. at least until the current season ends! watching with my boyf so we'll both add our thoughts 💞 this url is very loved and is in use, even if it's not in the way that you would've used it. have fun reading, and ask me abt drag race here!

the rusical was so good!! i loved literally everyone's performance but it's so obvious sam starr got set up for a win with her role 😭 she did great and showed sm versatility so i can't even be too mad... also i actually really loved kori and lydia as the flying monkeys! i wish i got to see kori as the good witch because i can see how well she'd do in it... unfortunately as we all know kori got eliminated in her lipsync against her wife lydia 💔 but it's okay because we got this absolute gem??? HELLO???

kori was CONSUMING that poor woman 😭 SHE LITERALLY ATE LYDIA ALIVE, THEY WERE MAKING OUT SO AGGRESSIVELY?? rupaul was living too, she hasn't laughed like that in a while!!
from boyf: She was tryna DEVOUR her girl or sm

hello i am decorating this very soon! first multiclaim win... go stream shake that ice by kori king 🧊!! i'm so obsessed over kori and lydia I can't even... i heard joella call them khole IM SOBBING. same hotel room on the press tour too like 👀 anyway which queen are you guys rooting for? my pick for the crown is kori or lexi love but i fear miss onya might take it 💔 also the arrietty against lydia lipsync was actually hilarious the aggressive t pose and weirdass shuffle KILLED me 😭 i love arrietty but girl... urls here 🩷

Pub: 19 Mar 2022 04:03 UTC
Edit: 01 Mar 2025 14:42 UTC
Views: 425