Shake 'n' Milk


The pleasant synthesized tone of the door alarm pulls you out of cleaning your station.
A group of customers has entered your store, three young women.
You're an employee at the Shake 'n' Milk, a... unique drink establishment.
Your official title is drink mixer, but honestly, you're more like an exotic escort.
It's a living.
The girls meander from the door into the dining room, talking lowly amongst themselves and giggling. They're picking out a mixer to go to. The seeming leader of the group, a short east-Asian tomboy speaking much louder than the other two care to.
"Ooh, what about her? You into chicks with dicks, Ash?"
This earns her an indignant shove from her companion, a tall blond dressed in fashionable winter clothes, and she laughs playfully.
Shaking your head, you shoot your futanari coworker a sympathetic smile. She rolls her eyes and gets back to what she was doing.
You actually recognize the tomboy, she's a regular, and you're her favorite mixer. Knowing her, she's going to try and guide the group to you.
Breathing deeply, you put away the cleaning rag and mentally prepare yourself for the task of serving three customers back to back.

After a few seconds more of deliberating their options, finally the group turns to you.
"Well, you two pick who you want, but I'm going for the cutie over there. He tastes the best, and he makes these adorable little sounds."
The blond, Ashley, groans bemusedly at her friend. "You're such a perv, Veronica."
"Guilty as. You coming, Maddie?"
Your attention is drawn to the third member of this group, who thus far has hung back and made little sound.
She's a mousey type; long, silky brown hair that she practically hides behind, with a pair of rimless glasses framing her youthful face. She's wearing a tight grey turtleneck, which accentuates the size of heavy, full breasts.
She gives a silent nod, and the trio approach your counter.
Time to put on your work persona.

"Welcome to the Shake 'n' Milk, I'm Anon, what can I get for you today?"

Veronica naturally drifts to the front of the pack, grinning lasciviously at you.
"Heya, sugardick. Fix up my usual, while these two are deciding what they want. Together, by the way, it's on me."
"Ohmygod, Veronica! You can't just talk to him like that!"
"Aw, come off it, Ash. It's just part of the job, right, cutie?"
You roll your eyes and give the two an accommodating smile.

"Yeah, but I appreciate the sentiment." You tell the blond, who seems to relax a bit. "One iced caramel mocha, from the tap, coming up."

Stepping back from the counter, you start gathering ingredients. The coffee concentrate, chocolate and caramel syrups, ice.
You hear Ashley's voice pipe up. "Uhm, what's 'from the tap'?"
"Just watch, an' figure out what you want. The show is half the fun of this place."
Having gathered everything you need, you turn to face the group again, who from this angle can now see that the crotch of your uniform's pants are missing, letting your sizable length dangle freely in the cool air of the shop.
The display provokes a small, excited gasp from the preppy blond, and the shy girl in the back of the group lets out what can only be described as being halfway between a moan and a squeak.
With that little boost to your ego, you begin making the first drink. You start with the ice, which will need the most time to melt and smooth out in the otherwise liquidy drink.
Taking a handful of the custom-moulded coffee ice cubes, you lift them one by one to the head of your cock, and slowly feed them into yourself.
When the first one enters you, you involuntarily take in a sharp breath of air at the sudden cold, which is mirrored by your customers as they watch your head stretch open to accept the cubes.
Ashley lets out a breathy groan of "Oh, fuck." 'Maddie' makes no noise, but covers her mouth, the sleeve of her sweater doing nothing to disguise her beet-red face. Veronica just bites her lip, watching eagerly as the last of the ice slips into you, creating a line of bulges in your shaft running down to the base.
Taking this job required a number of intense forms of training. You used to hate the utter cold of making this drink, but by now it's merely an inconvenience, and the unique pleasure of being stretched out far outweighs the chill.
Leaning against the ingredients counter to concentrate, you begin flexing your peristaltic muscles, pulling the ice cubes down into you in snake-like pulses, a spectacle which earns another series of gratifying reactions from the girls.

Next comes the syrups. You start with chocolate, slipping the bottle's special dispenser into the tip of your cock and tilt it back, shuddering lightly at the sensation of the thick liquid coming out in three pronounced glugs.
The pressure helps push the ice cubes down, the first of which having already pushed past into your pelvis to begin its short journey through your tubing down into your balls.
Another short breathing session prepares you for the caramel. It goes down in a couple short bursts, and the coffee concentrate finishes the drink, clearing out your shaft of the thick syrups.
You don't even need to look down to feel the weight of your stretched out sack, which sloshes with liquid as you cup it with both hands. Now, you begin to mix, carefully squeezing and kneading your balls to finish smoothing out the concoction in your body.
"Shit... this is really fuckin' hot. How does he do that?" Ashley asks her more experienced companion.
"Fuck if I know, babe. Seems like magic to me, but I ain't complainin'."

After a few seconds of mixing, you feel the mocha reach optimal consistency. "Order up!" You say, stepping forward. A weakness in your legs almost causes you to stumble, but you instead manage to hoist yourself up onto the rack at the foot of the service counter, raising your crotch to roughly face-level of the group.
Veronica wastes no time, leaning across the counter to bring herself to your tip. She pauses there, looking up at you, her dark, almond eyes giving you a seductive, predatory gleam before she takes a long, slow lick at your head.
The soft warmth of her tongue contrasts sharply with the cold of your skin having just made her drink, and the combined sensations force a throaty growl from your chest.
"Oh... from the tap. I get it."
The tomboy turns back and shoots her blond friend a mischievous grin, before returning to your cock. Opening her mouth, she places your head gently on her tongue before slowly sliding it into her mouth.
You steady yourself by gripping the bar mounted above the counter for just this purpose. As she takes you in, you feel her throat contract around you several times, meeting slight resistance with a soft gag before she closes her lips around your base.
She's never done this before. She's showing off to her friends. But you aren't complaining. The inside of your cock is still cold, but it's slowly warming through as she holds you there. She gives you a second to catch the breath you didn't realize you had lost before she begins moving.
Pulling her lips back up to the ridge of your cockhead, she then slides back to the base, establishing a rhythm as she begins sucking on your throbbing, aching length.

One thing you've learned on this job is to fight your instincts to try and last, if the drink spends too long in you it'll get too warm.
Not that you really could under this assault. You're still sensitive from the process of making the drink.
Your breath gasps turn to moans, and your customer hears that, dialing up her efforts and increasing the speed of her movements. Her strong hand comes up to fondle your enlarged balls, which sloshes audibly.
That last bit of stimulus is all it takes to push you over the edge, grabbing the bar for stability as tremors of pleasure shoot out through your body from your crotch. You feel the first jet of thick liquid surge back up through your tubing, and Veronica lets out a satisfied hum around you as it shoots out into her mouth.
She gulps down the mixture of cum, coffee, and candy sweetness, another pleased moan vibrating through your cock as it spurts out a load much thicker than any normal orgasm.
Pulse after pulse, she swallows around you, her appreciative noises causing your body to shake and shiver as the last sticky, sweet mouthful leaves your cock.
Taking a moment to savor it, the tomboy pulls back, letting you look down into her mouth to see the last chocolatey bit of your load before she makes a show of gulping it down.
"Ahh. That really hit the fuckin' spot, as always, cutie."
She shoots you one final grin, before turning to her friends.
"Well? Decided what you want, yet?"
The other two just stare at her, both thoroughly flushed, before Ashley finally snaps out of her stupor. "O-oh, yeah, uhm..."
She looks to you, then the menu, then back at you. "I'll have, the, uh-"
The girl is cut off by her friend who curses under her breath, clutching her head. "Oh, fuck me, brain freeze, brain freeze!"

There's a short lull, before Ashley and Maddie burst out laughing at their friend.
"Ohmygod, Veronica, duh you got brainfreeze! You just chugged a whole-ass frozen drink!"
"Fffuck you, slut!"
The outburst seems to cut the tension for Ashley, who turns back to you with a warm smile as you climb down from the rack.
"Can I just get a pumpkin spice, please? To-go."

"Sure thing, coming right up."

You begin getting the second drink's ingredients ready. Behind you, the banter continues.
"Ffuckin, agh! Pumpkin spice, Ash? You basic fucking bitch!"
"Oh fuck off, bitch. Like a mocha is sooo interesting."
"Pssh. This place ain't even about the drink, really. I'd suck swamp water outta that cutie."
"Ohmygod, you are such a fucking degenerate."
"I just know what I like, you stuck-up skank."
..and the pumpkin spice syrup. Your least favorite part of this drink.

You clear your throat and present yourself again, which kills the playful conversation that's been happening behind you.
All eyes return to your shaft as it throbs back to full mast.
You start off with the spice syrup, getting the hardest part over with first.
It's not physically demanding, but the second the first pump of syrup slips down into you, you sputter and shake. No amount of training can really prepare you for the cool mixture of ginger, clove, and cinnamon tingling down your urethra.
It can prevent you from losing your shit entirely, but just barely.
The sensation can only be described as "bright". Truth be told, it's not entirely unpleasant, but you wouldn't be sad if you never felt it again.
Once the syrup is done, you move on to the pumpkin puree. The drink doesn't contain much, but the viscous mash has to be tamped down into you with a metal sound, a display the girls respond to with pleased murmurs.
The pumpkin doesn't really go down on its own, leaving a large, lumpy bulge in the bottom of your cock, which is then pushed down by the next ingredient, the soft-serve ice cream.
Another wave of cold rushes through your body, shivering as the thick cream stretches you out.
Once you feel the pumpkin squeeze down into your balls, you know that's enough, and remove the ice cream nozzle from your tip.
Again, the ice cream doesn't respond to peristalsis and gravity is too slow, so you have to push it down. This time, however, you use your hands, putting on a show of jerking the dessert down into your sack.
You see Ashley swallow anxiously, her eyes focused on the last of the ice cream as it's squeezed down past your base.
Grabbing a cup, you continue pleasuring yourself, your breathing becoming slightly more shallow as-

You stop, looking up. The blond is biting her lip tightly, and you can see her thighs shifting against each other in her tight leggings.
"U-uhm.. can I... do that? For you?"
A smile creeps across your face, and you nod. "Of course. Here."
Veronica, now recovered from her brain freeze, gives her friend a Cheshire grin. "Fuck yeah, Ash! Now you're gettin' it!"
You push yourself off the counter, legs even weaker than before, and return once more to the rack that elevates you into position.
Setting the cup on the counter, you grip the support bar once more.
Ashley removes her warm winter gloves, and takes a deep breath, her hand hovering just above your cock.
"Oh.. wow. You... smell really good." She says lowly, you're not even sure if she's aware it was out loud.
Her warm, delicate hand finally touches your skin, and you let out a sigh. Her skin is immaculately soft, and smooth, and as it envelops your length, you find yourself wishing you could sit back and sink in to a big, comfy chair.
As her grip tightens around you, she looks up, blushing heavily. "Is this.. okay?"

"Yeah. Y-you can be as soft or as rough as you like. You're the customer, after all."

"Right.. well, how do you like it?"

"A little tighter and faster. Don't want your drink to melt too much."

"O-oh! Right! My... drink!"
The blond's blush intensifies, and she increases her efforts, eliciting another moan from you.
It isn't long before you feel the pressure of another orgasm building up in your core. You start to warn her, but find you need to inhale before you can speak.

"I-it's coming soon. You're gonna... wanna hold the cup, so it doesn't fall over."

"O-okay." Ashley whispers, her other hand wrapping around the cup as her pumping of your shaft gains in speed.
You find your hips thrusting into the last few pumps as a viscous spurt of smoothie erupts up from your base, a second pump sending it out into the cup with some force.
Ashley gasps, slightly relaxing her grip to allow the drink to exit your body, but still rubbing as more and more of the cold liquid shoots out of you.
Cumming a smoothie is significantly more intense than the coffee drink, and you almost feel your hips buckle as pulse after pulse rocks through your body.
Finally, the liquid comes up to the top of the cup, and you're allowed to relax somewhat, putting your weight on your arms as you hold yourself up with the bar.
Ashley stares down at the sight for what feels like minutes, before softly trailing her hand to the tip, where she wipes the last bit off drink from it with a finger.
She brings it up to her mouth and sucks it off, closing her eyes as her body gives a slight shiver.
"Wow... you DO taste really good."

"Th... thanks." is all you can muster in response.

It takes a minute of recovery before you climb down from the rack a second time, handing the blond a lid and straw.
Finally, all eyes are on the shy, mousey girl who has been hanging back, transfixed by the scene in front of her.
"Maddie? What do you want, girly?" Veronica asks her.
"O-oh, uhm... I mean, is he-... are you gonna be alright? Going th-three times... in a row?"
You realize the questioning has turned to you, and you pretend to have already caught your breath.

"Oh, yeah. I'm a professional." It's not a lie, but this IS taking a lot of you.

"A-alright. I, uhm... Veronica, is alright if I get, uhm..."
The brunette trails off, glancing at the menu again, before motioning for her friend to come closer.
Shooting you an apologetic glance, Veronica leans in to hear her friend whisper someting, before double taking.
"Whaat! Did you read what that was?"
The shy girl gives a quick nod, her full blush somehow only intensifying.
"Well, damn. You're full of surprises, Maddie."
"I-it's not too expensive?"
"Shit, you kidding? I'd pay double that to watch this. Hey, sugardick, my little girlfriend here wants to do self-service."
Your breathing catches, that's not at all what you expected.

"Oh! Sure, of course. Here. Let me just put this stuff away and ring you up, and we'll move over."

You flick the light on your station that lets customers know you won't be available for a while, and turn back to the ingredients counter.
Fucking hell, this little chick wants self-service? Can you handle that right now?
You begin absent-mindedly putting the ingredients away.
Technically, you can say no. But I mean, she won't do anything TOO wild, right? She's awfully demure. 'should just be a routine drink, right?
Plus, you get a good commission when you do these...
Facing the girls once more, you put on a smile and punch some numbers into the POS. Veronica hands you her card and you run the transaction before gesturing to the self-service kiosk.

"Right over there."

The kiosk is a separate counter from the rest of the bar, with comfortable seats surrounding it. Across the counter is an array of fresh fruit and drink ingredients, and mounted atop it is what can best be described as a bondage harness.
The customer gets to make their own drink, and have whatever fun they like along the way.
Within the bounds of a list of limits you've set out, of course.

"You read how this works on the menu?"

Maddie nods, seeming even shyer now that the focus was on her.
Her two friends sit behind her in the chairs, Ashley still sipping on the drink you just made her.

"Alright, well, this placard here lists my limits, and the menu gives you some suggestions for drink reci-"

"I-I know what I want." She cuts you off quite unexpectedly, picking up the placard and looking it over.
You blink, slightly taken aback, but keep your professional attitude and climb up to the harness.
"There, uhm. Isn't much on here, huh?"
As you hook yourself into the harness, you peer down at her. Most of her face is hidden behind her long, flowing hair. But you can see the edge of a smirk on her mouth.

"Well, ah, I like to think of myself as pretty open."

Her soft, blue eyes look up to your face, and then down to your length, hanging half mast in front of her, the last restraint clicking into locked position.
"Yeah, I can see that." She lifts her hand and brings a single pinky finger up to the underside of your head, gently caressing it, before it slips up to brush against your tip, which still gapes ever so slightly after being stretched so much so recently.
"I think, t-though, that 'open' is just a nice word..." You gasp as the tip of her pinky goes from tracing around your urethra to softly slip into it. "...for slut."

"O-oh fuck." You can't help but slip out, which causes the girl to smirk even more as she looks back up at you.

"But that's okay. I like sluts."
What the fuck did you just get yourself into?

Carefully, she threads her pinky finger down into you, rubbing the inside of your cock with deliberate slowness.
"Anon, was it?"
You meekly confirm your name, eyes fixated on the digit which is now slipping past the knuckle.
"My name is Madison. But you will call me 'Miss Madison', okay?"

"Y-yes Miss Madison."

"Good boy." She says, smiling, as the finger bottoms out in you. Giving it a slight wiggle, she looks over the ingredients on the counter as she begins pulling it out, still achingly slow.
"I'd say I'm impressed by how easy that was, but we've already seen you take something thicker than that, haven't we? I'm curious just how far you can stretch."
Her pinkie finally slips out, covered in the last bits of your juices from the last drink, which she idly sucks off of her finger.
"Tell me, Anon. Why do you do this job?"
Her other hand reaches out and finds a strawberry. A small one, but still with a considerable circumference at the top.


"There are other things you could do for money, right? I'm guessing this job pays pretty well, but..."
She raises the thin tip of the strawberry to yours, and puts a single finger on it, slowly pushing it down.
"Isn't this embarrassing?"

"I mean-"

"Aren't you at all embarrassed to have your cock out in front of three strangers, stuffing things down it for our amusement? Having ME stuffing things in it?"
The thickest part of the strawberry meets slight resistance, and then pops into you, an involuntary moan leaving your lips as it begins its journey down your shaft.
"Don't you have any shame at all?" She's already got a second, even larger strawberry lined up and pressing against your entrance.

"I.. I.."

"You don't need to say. I get it. You enjoy this." Her smirk turns predatory, and a sharp push forces the entire fruit into you, joining the first in making a pronounced bulge in your distending cock.
"You wouldn't trade this job for the world. Having girls make you stuff your big, slutty cock, all day? It's heaven, isn't it?"
You feel your entire body shaking.
This is NOT a normal self-service.
You can barely recognize any of that demure, quiet personality that was hiding behind those locks just a minute ago.
She's got the biggest strawberry she can find now.
"If this weren't a job, you'd probably pay US to do this, huh?"
It slides in far easier than it should, you're so turned on that there's barely any resistance. Her pointer and middle fingers follow it, the head closing around them slightly.
"You just fucking LOVE stuffing this loose, lewd cockhole."

Your face feels like it's on fire.
"Look at me."
You didn't even realize you were avoiding her gaze. Her fingers pump in and out of you, shoving the strawberries further inside with every motion.
"Good boy. Now say it."

"S-say what?"

"Say that you love me stuffing your cockhole."
You swallow, your mouth feels dry and your throat is tight.
"I-I love you stuffing my cockhole."
Her grin softens, and she slowly pulls the fingers out, licking them clean as she squeezes the berries down past your base with her other hand.
"I love it, too."
Miss Madison pauses for a moment, sizing up her choices, before speaking again.
"What's your favorite, Anon?"

"My f-favorite?"

"What's your favorite thing to take in this stretched out little hole of yours?"

"B... banana."

The domineering young girl goes silent, looking down at the bunch of bananas.
Then, she starts giggling. Your chest tightens at how sweet and soft, yet menacing the sound is.
"Holy shit, Anon. I knew you were a slutty boy, but..."
She grabs a banana, and breaks the stem off from the bunch.
"A banana is basically just a fruit dick."
She starts peeling the fruit, tsking quietly as she does.
"That's why you like it, isn't it? You want a fruit dick to fuck your little hole with."
Somehow your face flushes even more, and you feel a nervous knot well up in your stomach.
"You don't have to answer that one. I was gonna pick a banana anyway, for the exact same reason."
Discarding the peel, she lines the long, thick fruit up with your cocktip.
"Open wide."
She begins inserting the fruit, and your entire body tenses up as your cock is stretched out the furthest it's been today.

Although the banana squishes slightly as it distends your length around its own, it mostly holds her shape as the mousey little domme feeds it down into you.
"Loook. At. That." She groans to herself, her own breathing starting to get heavy.
"It really does look like a dick is going into yours. I bet you could even take a REAL dick, huh, Anon?"
As it approaches the end, she stops pushing the fruit in and slowly begins pulling it out.
"If I had one, I'd test that out. Too bad, my strap's at home."
The banana comes about halfway out of you before she stops, and moves her hand away.
"Hold that for me, I want to change position a little."
Getting out of her chair, Miss Madison steps around to the back of the kiosk, hoisting herself up onto the back of the harness, her feet outside of yours, her ample tits pressing against your back.
Her hands snake around your waist, one wrapping around the base of your cock, the other gently taking the banana.
"Muuuch better. Now just relaaaax and let Miss Madison fuck your big, slutty cock."
She resumes pumping the banana in and out of your urethra, this time joined by her other hand jerking you off.
It's too much, way too much.

"M-Miss Madison, I'm going to-"


With that, she pushes the banana down completely, tightly gripping just under your head as she continues to pleasure you.
You tumble over the edge in your third and strongest orgasm yet, cum squeezing past the strawberries still inside you and up around the banana, but unable to escape Miss Madison's grip.
"No, no, you don't get to shoot my drink out yet, you bad boy. It's not even done yet."
Maintaining her tight grip, she begins squeezing your load back down into you, along with the banana.
It's an entirely alien sensation, and your body twists, turns and writhes in response.
"There we go... all down into those balls, where it belongs. I still have to add the ice cream for my smoothie."
Reaching down, she grabs the soft serve dispenser, which is on the end of an adjustable hose at the kiosk, and brings it up to your cock, squeezing it in with a twist.
"You just tell me when you're full, okay?"
With that, she squeezes the trigger, and cold cream once again floods your insides, still sensitive from cumming.
A whining noise you didn't even know you could make escapes your throat, and you press back up against the soft, sweatered tits on your back.
"Mhmm. There's a good boy, just let it filll you up. Miss Madison will take care of you." You feel her hot breath against your neck, where she places a soft kiss. Your whole body relaxes at that, and she gives you an approving murmur.
Soon, your entire cock is filled with the creamy dessert, producing a tubular bulge in the underside of the shaft.

"I... I'm full, Miss Madison."

Slowly, a bit too slowly, she lets go of the trigger on the nozzle, and the flow stops. Gently, she pulls it out of you, and giggles as a bit of ice cream drops from your cock to the counter.
"Oops. Guess I overdid it. But you've been such a good boy, it's almost time for your reward. And for my drink."
Replacing the nozzle in its holster, she sets to the task of milking the ice cream down into your balls, as she saw you do before.
"Mmnh, look at those beautiful things stretching out. They're even stretchier than your cock, aren't they? How much can they hold, Anon? Have you tested?"

"N.. no, our.. drinks are.."

"Well, I want to test. Too bad we don't have more time together, hmm?"

"Y.. yeah."

She giggles, and nuzzles her body into you. "I'm glad you agree. Now, I just... mix it up, right?"
Her hands drift down to your swollen sack, each of them cupping a testicle which brims with fruit and cream.
Gently, unsure of herself, Miss Madison begins rubbing and kneading them, feeling the fruit squish and blend inside of you.
"Wow... this is the most interesting part so far. I didn't expect that."
All you can do is groan into your shoulder, so overstimulated and sensitive that the sensation of her squeezing hands overwhelms you.

"Okay.. that feels... good." Miss Madison leans down and grabs a cup from the stack, holding it up to your tip. "Now, to get my drink."
Wrapping a hand around you for a final time, you feel her lips brush against your ear as she whispers into it, her hot breath making you shudder. "Cum for me, Anon."
That's all it takes to push you off the cliff of what might be the most intense orgasm since your very first. Miss Madison's smoothie explodes out of you in waves of thick, chilled cum, and your vision blurs as ripples of pleasure wrack your body.
All the while, she just keeps whispering into your ear.
"Good boy. Good boy. My good, slutty boy."
It seems like an eternity before you come to your senses. Looking down, you see that the cup has overflown with strawberry-banana smoothie seeping over the edges and around Madison's hand.
Bringing the cup up to her mouth, she gently licks some of the excess. "Mmnh. Wow. That IS good."
"Holy shit."

You're broken out of your reverie by the sound of Veronica's voice. You only just remember that you are in fact, in a now crowded shop, with an entire audience gathered around the kiosk, watching Madison have her way with you.
Suddenly, you feel very flush again, and you can tell Madison does too, as she shrinks away from you and hops down off the harness to fumble nervously for a napkin to help finish cleaning up her cup.
The crowd breaks out into applause, Madison shrinking to hide behind her hair once more. Veronica, you now notice, has her phone out, presumably recording, and you can swear you see Ashley covertly removing a hand from the front of her pants.
Veronica puts her phone down and stands up, facing the crowd. "Alright, pervs, show's over, give us some space, alright?"
Your coworkers join in on dispersing the crowd, ferrying them to the counter or to seats away from the kiosk. One of them comes over and begins helping you out of the harness.
"Ohmygod, Maddie. I didn't know you had that in you!"
"'Didn't know' is underselling it, Ash, that blew my fuckin' mind!"
"I-it was really nothing, I-just did what I.. y'know, wanted to."
"Fuck yeah, you did! That shit was hot as hell!"
"Th... thanks, Veronica. I-I think I wanna go home now, though."
"Alright, kiddo. C'mon, let's get you a straw and get outta here."
"I-I'm a year older than you..."

You stumble to the floor, your coworker asking you questions that you really can't be bothered to answer. You wave her off, mumbling that you'll be alright and you just need a break.
"Uhm... excuse me? Mr. Anon?"
You look up at the distinct voice of Ashley, who has hung back as Veronica and Madison left the store.
"I just wanted to give you this."
She holds out something small in her hand, which your coworker takes and hands to you.
"Okay, goodbye, thanks!" The blond yells out as she dashes away to catch up with her friends.
You look down at the paper in your hand.
It's a pretty sizable tip.
And a part of the receipt ripped off.
With three phone numbers written on it.

Pub: 21 Aug 2021 01:45 UTC
Edit: 21 Aug 2021 22:38 UTC
Views: 1226