
welcome <333 here is some stuff about me :3

spinning star name: fin spinning star white rose pronouns: it/its + any neos white rose piano lgbtq+ stuff: a-spec queer + autigender piano bookage: 19 book headphones stuff to know: I have bpd, autism, adhd, dp/dr, processing issues, etc. so please have some patience with me :'] headphones headphonecat links: discord and tumblr

my special interests/hyperfixations:

skull monster prom/camp skull animals (sharks, snakes, and jellyfish mainly) skull limbus company skull adventure time + fionna and cake skull dhmis skull omori skull dan and phil (sister daniel <3) skull fnaf skull dunmeshi skull anything by filmcow skull music skull stationery skull coloring pixels skull sudoku skull kakuro skull connect the dots puzzles skull neurodivergence skull blind boxes/figurines skull bones skull pokemon skull gregory horror show skull anything queer skull plushes skull anything with the mcelroys skull jack stauber's opal skull ena skull ruby gloom

animal skull
animal skull

before you interact:

tooth I often need clarification and/or tone tags (especially with one word responses without emojis) tooth I need boundaries explicitly stated, please do not assume I will know tooth I tend to vent/complain a lot tooth I have intense mood swings tooth I often self-isolate for short periods of time when not feeling well mentally/emotionally/physically tooth flirting makes me uncomfortable so please don't unless I personally give you permission to tooth I use all caps and keysmash a lot tooth I may unfriend you if you consistently don't talk to me much or respond at all tooth don't say you love me (even platonically) since I can't reciprocate that and it makes me uncomfortable


dni if:

shake head cat homophobic shake head cat transphobic shake head cat racist shake head cat ableist shake head cat trumed shake head cat radfem shake head cat gender critical shake head cat rad-inclus shake head cat dream stans/fans of problematic creators shake head cat proshipper shake head cat pro-ED shake head cat trump supporter shake head cat terf shake head cat exclusionist shake head cat anti-neopronouns shake head cat anti-xenogenders shake head cat you say slurs you can't reclaim shake head cat believes in/uses the term "narc abuse" shake head cat likens those with bpd to yanderes

big cat


kuromi shake don't "jokingly" threaten me with weapons or tell me to harm myself kuromi shake do not insult my interests without good reason kuromi shake if you do not know how to respond to something I say, please say so and don't leave me on read kuromi shake please do not make negative comments about my appearance kuromi shake no kys or kms jokes or mentioning suicide around me if possible kuromi shake please do not refer to me using a slur even if you can reclaim it kuromi shake do not intentionally confuse/anger me silly kuromi purple and black hearts divider

bunny wild geese by mary oliver bunny

You do not have to be good. You do not have to walk on your knees for a hundred miles through the desert repenting. You only have to let the soft animal of your body love what it loves. Tell me about despair, yours, and I will tell you mine. Meanwhile the world goes on.



Pub: 08 Apr 2023 20:47 UTC
Edit: 19 May 2024 03:23 UTC
Views: 1816