redacted ⊹ any prns

freelance graphic and ui designer . hobbyist artist and musician . translator and ripper. i also mod games and make my own games.
WHOOOO? philippines flag+chinese flag filipino-chinese descent, agender, aspec and also on the spectrum (ASD) call that a triple threat whammy. i love avatar tuner and devil summoner. compsci student. socializing tires me out. most people call me serph, runo, ryku or shin (lol.)

SOCIALS: twittergithubdiscordyoutube shinminase on most socials save for twitter i think also im so sorry to whoever had this url before . i couldnt archive it cause rentry wouldnt LET MEEEEEE

Edit Report
Pub: 25 Jan 2023 02:31 UTC
Edit: 24 Nov 2024 05:17 UTC
Views: 2091