Boom. Cumshot

Para nana nana

prostitution is a good job mate. Challenging work. Indoors. I guarantee you'll not go hungry. Because at the end of the day, as long there are two people left on the planet, someone is going to want me to fuck them.
Dad... I'm a... I'm not a satyromaniac dad, I'm a gigolo. Well the difference being ones a job and the other's mental sickness!
I'll be honest with you, my parents, do not care for me.
I think Hero saw me.
Yes, yes he did.
Canon? Look mate, you know who cares about canon? Blokes who made 50K fic about their headcanons every day.
Harem masters have standards. Finish last. Make them happy. Have a plan to date everyone you ever met.

Taa taa taa taaa tatatatatata

Dad.. dad... Put... Put Mari on the phone.

Pub: 20 Dec 2021 17:20 UTC
Views: 273