art crsleeepycatzzz dazaii onetwothree ‎ ‎ ‎ BLAIRimg pixel salem ☆ ‎ mixed ‎ afro ‎ caribbean ‎ ‎ i ♡ my bffs ‎ img pixel 2^,,^

wont uu die 2nite for love ? mew

byi ‎ i'm bad at starting convos sorray .. pls interact tho!! im autistic so i dont understand social cues & tone ; be straight foward w me. sometimes i shorten words to make my sentences shorter (ex w = with, u= you) pls tell me if u dont understand ^_^


dni ‎ ermm im too lazy to put one if ur a freakie pants i will explode u w my mind !!!! i'd prefer interacting w ppl 15 & over. if ur younger than 14 dont interact @ all (sorray)

Pub: 20 Aug 2023 20:08 UTC
Edit: 24 Aug 2023 20:13 UTC
Views: 287