"This kind of frequently told story has only one ending,"

Kagerou Daze - but it can be found beyond those repeating summer days.

It's been repeating for tens of years.

In this daze, too? sibyl 🍀 ✦ she/her ✦ adult (18↑) In this daze, too? I will be here for you.

hi! im sibyl and i go by she/her pronouns! i tend to look out for things, im a close friend of amias (will link their rentry once they finish), part of the girlband, i am an introject of shiho hinomori from prsk (i don't consider myself as 100% her) "I failed again," she said.

i am friends with mostly all the girls in the group, i'm mostly down to chat and help you figure things out if needed! She hugged her cat.

It repeats, the same day, over and over. return to the main sys

Pub: 18 Jun 2023 16:53 UTC
Views: 49